Sales of Convenience
One of the illusions many insurance agents face in selling Medicare plans is:
They are better at sales than they actually are.
Buying insurance is not something most people look forward to. It is more of a chore they want to do and then move about their lives. There are times, like aging into Medicare, losing group coverage, etc. when the need is high. This is usually when people sit with an insurance agent, review their options, and choose a plan.
The agent may be thinking "They must have really liked me because I suggested some insurance and bought it." The client may be thinking "I am glad this is done." For the client, it was a transaction. For the agent, in their mind, they have a life-long client.
"But Mike, those are other agents, not me!" How do you know if you just had a sale of convenience?
If your client has no expectation of hearing from you again (you should never assume they want to hear from you again unless you establish that follow-up), then you just had a transaction or a sale of convenience.
Make sure you are doing the above bullet points with every client and start establishing the fact you are their agent and not just a means to an application.