Anamika Singh
Recruiting Expert identifying and attracting top talent for companies. EVP Consultant
I'm back..... after taking a much deserved break, it is great to be back.
Here's my Monday spice, and I may have a target on my back, with my species on this one [LOL]
SALES..... Aaaah, don't we all just love a sale, and YES I am just as guilty. Until I realized an ugly truth. Many stores have huge signage displaying their Sales and the fine print "on selected items only" - but further, have you noticed that the sale items are predominantly for the outgoing season?
That means that I am buying my Winter / Autumn pieces as the season is tapering off [for those of you, in the Southern hemisphere like me]. Or pieces that I want to / wish to fit into as a motivator to get fit?
When I open my closet and see these pieces hanging there with the price tags still on, that is literally "money" on a hanger. Eventually when Autumn / Winter rolls around again, I find that my "money" on hangers are no longer trendy or does not fit me [Winter bodies can sometimes be made in Summer]. I cannot sell these items, so at best I simply fold them away somewhere in the back of my closet, or give them away.
When giving away these items, or folding them away have you ever pictured them as a pile of money instead? NO, and, yet, most of us do this.
So Spicy Monday, is this... How much "money" is hanging in your closet?