Sale Fixed Asset through Free Text Invoice
Qamar Abbas
Microsoft ERP |Project Manager |Digital Transformation | PowerBI |Consultant D365|IT Management|
2.1 How to Sale Fixed Asset through Free Text Invoice
Step.1 Go to: Dynamics 365 Path: Account Receivable > Invoices > All free text invoices
Step.2 Click on +New button
Step.3 Update the following fields
a) Customer account, mandatory field select from drop down
b) Invoice account, mandatory field select from drop down
c) Currency
d) Method of payment
Step.4 Go to line details and update the following fields:
a) Fixed asset number.
b) Book.
Step.5 Update the following fields:
a) Main account, a mandatory field filled from the fixed asset.
b) Item sales tax group, mandatory field select from the drop down.
c) Quantity.
d) Amount.
Step.6 Click on Post to confirm
Step.7 Click on Ok button
Step.8 Operation completed message appears and invoice has been posted
Step.9 Go to: Dynamics 365 Path: Fixed Assets > Fixed assets > Fixed assets
Step.10 Click on respective fixed asset number
Step.11 Click on Books button
Step.12 The Status of fixed asset is changed to Sold