Sale Announcement UK Hotels Agency
Colliers Hotels?are?delighted to announce the recent sale of the entire share capital of Crerar Hotel Group
Funds advised by Blantyre Capital Limited (“Blantyre”) together with their operating partner Fairtree Hotel Investments (“Fairtree”) acquired the privately owned Crerar Hotel Group to further expand their UK luxury leisure Platform.
The confidential instruction was brokered by Julian Troup, Head of UK Hotels Agency at Colliers, who acted on behalf of the vendors - the transaction took place at an undisclosed price.
This acquisition marks Blantyre and Fairtree’s fourth landmark hospitality purchase within the UK since 2021 which includes the Daffodil Hotel and Spa in the Lake District (78-luxury bedrooms, high-quality bars, function facilities and the Spa at the Daffodil leisure facility), another confidential transaction that was handled by Colliers Hotels.
"Our instructions were to handle the sale of Crerar Hotels?in a highly discrete and confidential fashion. This is the largest single group hotel transaction in Scotland for many years, the seven 4 and 5 star hotels had a combined letting bed stock of 386 and a net turnover for 2021/2022 of over £14,000,000."