FOR SALE 1979 Bobst Die Cutter 12.29.20
1979 Bobst Die Cutter
- Type Autoplaten SP 1600-E
- Serial number: 0558 010 05
- Size max 160 x 111.5
- Size min 85 x 65
- Cutting force up to 7,5 MN 750 tons
- 1 chase
- 1 plate extra
- Double stripping unit
- Running speed per hour up to 5000 sheets
- Under power
1. The location of this machine - California
2. The asking price for this machine and does it include rigging packaging and loading into trailers or containers - Yes, $110,000 USD LOT
Equipment Disclaimer Maxson Container Containers, LLC
"Disclaimer or Warranties"
Equipment is sold "AS IS", "WHERE IS", and "WITH ALL FAULTS" and subject to Seller's Terms and Conditions and with no return. Maxson Container Consultants, LLC neither makes nor assumes any warranty, whether statutory, by operation of law, or otherwise, express or implied, with respect to any equipment, or with respect to the merchantability or fitness of such equipment for any purpose or any other warranties, unless Maxson Container Consultants, LLC has so provided in writing.
Damage: Claims for damage in transit must be made by the Buyer with the Carrier. Maxson Container Consultants, LLC assumes no responsibility for damages while in transit. Buyer should inspect equipment for damage upon delivery by Carrier.
Contact us for details and questions.
Thank you.
Roger M. Maxson
Dean Maxson