for the sake of all nations
The daily diatribe concerning over reach by state and federal administrations and spoken out by the right here in the United States, is part of an ongoing and ever increasing equitable and just society. For this writer, it is a good sign!
A sign perhaps that we communicate better than we imagine and are simply providing space for persons from all walks of life to be heard. That in my opinion, will grow to consequently inform a very large spectrum of audience who venture in different directions from those demonstrating power.
Since with each day passing, we are given daily doses and at times, over doses, of the unimaginable and cruel. Here is a prescription worth following. It's best offered by those from times past but relevant now and for the future, to uphold our very fragile human condition and thought life. Quoting 'Winnicott on the Child' 2002 - he wrote:
"This is the way children learn while they are playing. They must look before they leap....."
An insight that heralds the inherent individual personality and character of a child who has managed relationship outside of its self with family, community and society. This is to say, if it were able to 'without too great of loss of personal impulse and creativity.'
In other words, we are to the right, roused from the indignity of such a great loss. But look at the powerful connections it has caused! It's electric! The spark has brought us into a sometimes muddled discourse, but demands we look before we leap nonetheless!
For the good of all, consider the real need. The pain and suffering currently experienced by persons of all populations living in large cities and rural areas across the country. We are at play with our lives and some are clinging to a hope that we do not have to surrender to the rage found by those 'lost because of their painfulness'.
Here is how one pediatrician and psychoanalyst described the outcome. " You see, if you move about like that without thinking you will hurt yourself, and one day......."