SAK Specializing in Off-Market Hotel/Resort Property Opportunities
Bryan Han Pereyo
Regional Owner Kinum/CEO SAKBusinessFusion/SAK Medical Solutions/SAK Real Estate/SAK Consulting
Let the Team of SAK/RTS - Show You Why We are Successful Every Time?
SAK Business Fusion, LLC, is a unique property consultant management firm that provides a wide range of off-market/highly confidential property services tailored to the specific needs of our clients. We specialize in acting as buyer advocates for 3 star to 5 star properties, ranging from world-renowned landmark hotels to independent boutique properties in major metro areas to portfolios of branded hotels. SAK has formed a partnership with RTS Hospitality to manage your operations, marketing, and analytics--ensuring you get the best return on your investment property without the ramp-up period!
To learn more, contact Bryan Pereyo at 916-247-4901 or Maggie Renfro at 310-993-9644 or email [email protected]