Saint Clair Systems Video Resources
Rob Gladstone
Temperature & Viscosity Control | CEO of Saint Clair Systems, Inc | Automotive Finishing, Coatings, Adhesives & Printing
Saint Clair Systems specializes in viscosity and temperature control by providing technology and solutions your organization can use to eliminate the hidden costs of production.
We put together a few informational videos on YouTube to educate, engage and provide problem-solving reference material.
Sure you know that viscosity varies and needs to be controlled. But chances are you’re doing it the old-fashioned way with Efflux cups, Zahn cups or Din cups, right? To really tighten up the variation and control your process, there are other things you should be looking at. Check them out here.
Ever wondered what your “really good” processes are costing you? Especially in an industry where only the best is good enough? Would you like to go from “really good” to the “best”? See more here.
How much is rework (after an automated process) costing your business? Perhaps, a lot more than you think. The good news is you can practically eliminate rework in your spraying or dispensing processes – here’s how.
Using summer and winter material blends and robot programs to adapt to changing seasons is expensive, plus it leads to all kinds of inconsistencies and quality issues. So, what if there was a way to spend less and experience ideal dispensing operations – winter or summer? Here’s how.
How much does a change in temperature really affect viscosity? Actually, in more ways than one. See for yourself here.
Are you having trouble deciding whether or not you should deal with the temperature/viscosity issues in your day-to-day operations? There are a couple of things to consider first. Check them out here.
Clients often complain that they get a lot of batch to batch variation from their paint suppliers. Want to know if this is true or not, and what the real issue is? Dig in, right here.
Almost everyone alters their paint, right? Well, this drives your paint supplier nuts especially when things go wrong and you blame them for it! Is there a way to ensure nothing goes wrong in the first place? It’s all here.
Sometimes, the temperature of the material doesn’t change that much since your environment is around the same temperature. But as you move from morning to night, temperatures can change significantly resulting in different spray patterns. Here’s what you can do.
Controlling the temperature of your booth or facility is a great first step. But as other factors change the temperature (and viscosity) of your material, your dispense patterns are affected as well. Find out more here.
Temperature control is not the same thing as paint heaters. Want to know the difference, and what you may be missing? Check it out here.
Having paint-defect issues like runs, sags, solvent pop, etcetera? One variable could be creating more issues than you can imagine. Find out here.
At Saint Clair Systems, we understand the need for consistency and the importance of cost reduction. Whether your industry is automotive finishing, coil coating, industrial finishing, etcetera… we can help.
Most of our customers are looking for smart ways to make their processes predictable and repeatable. In this video, we address how our system uniquely addresses your process temperature control needs.
One of the biggest problems in finishing is orange peel. As far as we’re concerned, this is unacceptable because it’s so obvious to the naked eye. Here’s a way out.
Guns or bells? We have some interesting facts your suppliers don’t tell you that could help you decide. Check it out here.
Here, we address the fundamentals behind controlling modern sealers and adhesives in the application process. Here’s how to make sealing and adhesive behave.
Wondering how and why sealers and adhesives came to be used in modern automobile manufacturing? We have the answer, right here.
Today, new devices have been developed specifically for the purpose of controlling temperature all the way to the point of application, to assure stable viscosity. Here’s how modern systems of today are controlling orange peel.
All liquids change viscosity as a function of temperature. Join us here, as we examine the fundamentals behind the formation of orange peel.
We think it’s necessary to trace the evolution of paint temperature control from its origin to the modern systems of today. Here, we compare and contrast the old and new approaches.
At the 44th Annual International Waterborne High-Solids and Powder Coating Symposium in New Orleans, we look at leveraging temperature to control modern coating dispensing operations. It’s all here.
At the Steel Group’s 1st Automotive Steel Summit in New Delhi, India, we look at the development and implementation of the sealer temperature stabilization system incorporated into Tata Motors’ Pune Body Shop robotic application cells. See it here.
Here, we dive into the definition of viscosity and why it matters to printers, plus the various ways of measuring and controlling it. This is a printer’s survival guide to viscosity!
At Saint Clair Systems, we have designed a Process Optimization Program (POP) employed to get the most out of the implementation of paint temperature control in a coil coating process. You’ll also find that this structured approach can be modified and then used successfully in virtually any capital project. Find out more here.
A presentation made by Eric Slind of Steelscape and Mike Bonner of Saint Clair Systems at the NCCA 2014 Fall Technical Meeting, covered the installation of paint temperature control on Steelscape's Kalama and Rancho Cucamonga coil coating lines and contrasts the reasons for undertaking this capital project, the gains realized after 7 months, and those realized after 7 years. Learn more here.
There you have it!
I’d be updating this article regularly, so stay tuned for more educational videos from our team. You can head over to our website to learn more about us: