Sailing with Testers (part VI)
The time for you to buy a boat has come. You’ve been sailing a long time on other people’s boats, friends or rented, and you figure that the time you spend on the sea, and the importance (for you) makes is reasonable that you own one. Or, you have an old and out-dated boat, which requires too much work on it, and you’ve decided it is time to switch to a better, modern boat.
Fair enough. But how to choose the right boat for you? There are so many different types, models, sizes, prices. Which one best fit?
The first thing to know is that each sailor, or sea enthusiastic, has a different “best boat”. It depends on many parameters – how skilled are you, where are you sailing, will you be doing long-range sailing, whom do you sail with (if at all), where will you keep your boat (do you have rough winter in your area), and of course – what is your budget (including consideration for ongoing expenses for maintenance).
This will surely result in a different answer for each skipper. As long as we don’t go for the bells and whistles or shiny prospects, and truly evaluate all parameters, we’ll find the right boat – for us.
Choosing The Right Software Testing Tool
It’s the same when coming to choose the right test management tool. You might be just starting a project, not using anything. You might be still using Word or Excel documents and know it is about time to be more professional, and use a dedicated software testing tool. Or you might be using a tool already, but you know it doesn’t fit the bill (anymore, or perhaps it never did…).
Same as it is with choosing the right boat, there are many parameters one should consider when selecting the best software testing tool – for them. Each testing group has its own way to work and the tool must apply to it (and NOT vice versa).
First, remember to follow the right process:
- Prepare a list of the attributes, features, and modules you must find in the tool
- List what is critical and what isn’t – for you
- Research the options in the market
- Verify you can import your existing data
- Evaluate the tools that made it through the initial screening – learn the new environment (see how easy it is)
- Configure the evaluated platforms
- Try them with your real data for a few weeks, involving others in your team
- Compare the results between the evaluated tools and make a decision
You’ve noticed we emphasize that the selection must be based on your needs and requirements. Different groups need different test management tools. This will be based on many parameters. Some to mention:
- The size of the group, how many users will there be using the test management tool
- Location of the testers – are they all in the same location, or maybe spread out globally (different time zones even)
- The testing methodology used for the group’s projects
- Workflows and internal procedures
- Size – do the projects contain many tests, executions, and a lot of data in general (file storage for example)
- Is there automated testing, and will it be integrated within the test management tool, together with the manual testing effort
- Is there a need for localization (working in your language)
The list can go longer. The thing is to make sure you consider which tool is best for you, and not which tool is the best. Our claim is that there isn’t necessarily “the best tool”. You wouldn’t buy a 60-foot yacht, as good as it can be if your dock is 40 feet and you usually sail with only one crew member.
Between the top test management tools, and there are a few of them (including Testuff of course :-) ), the decision should be individual, personal criteria met. Sure, you want your tool to include the basics and more, but that isn’t enough. You want it to be able to fit your needs, unlike tools that make you change your work, in order to fit their approach, and how they enforce you to work (Flexibility of the tool).
Few Tips For A Better Decision
- Let experience be your guide when selecting a software testing management tool
- Ask yourself if this software testing solution is the right tool for the job. Your job, your project
- Try to ignore any bells and whistles features and declarations of vendors. Be true to what you need, and what you really require from your test management solution
- It is crucial that the selected tool will be easy to use, and intuitive. Your team must accept the tool, otherwise, the implementation will go all wrong, and there will be a team rejection crisis to deal with