sail free: make 2020 a best year ever!
As 2019 winds down, & Leaders take stock of the year just past, now is a good time to catch a quick breath, before looking forward to sailing into 2020.
Where did the changing winds land your ship in 2019?
On a paradise beach?
Judging from most people I speak to, on a deserted island!
So, what can we expect of 2020?
Another rough ride?
Can we afford another tough year – will our stress levels take it?
Well guess what?
It needn’t be; in fact, you can make it your very best year EVER!
But it will obviously mean doing something different - remember the old rule “do the same old thing & expect a different result, is the………..”
Here are some exciting & effective “new year resolution” tips you can implement.
1. unpack 2019
Ask your management Team to list up to 5 things max. that went right & a max. of 5 things that went wrong in their minds in 2019 – alone & in their own time.
Honesty is a crucial element of the exercise.
Gather the Team & list the wrongs on a flip chart.
Count how many times the same point comes up.
From top down, you now have a scorecard of key focus points to take action on, in 2020
Now, follow the same exercise with what went well, as per Team Members.
This list is of what you need to more of in 2020.
Now you have gained a “hymn sheet” to create your winning strategy from.
2. revisit your company vison
Based on your findings from step 1, you can now compare the key rights & wrongs with your company vision.
Were the goals you set for 2019 aligned with the company vision?
Where did you stray from the vision?
Why were you forced to deviate from it – competition, market shifts, economy.
Is it the vision itself, that has become outdated?
Ask yourselves 5 tough questions –
1. Is our vision clear & practical?
2. Does it excite you the management AND the wider staff in general?
3. Does your activity align with the vision?
4. Does it align with changing market conditions you must trade in?
5. Is it still relevant; or does it need a review?
Before moving to the next stage recommit or rebuild the company vision.
It needs to be “sold” to the greater Team & lived out, every day.
3. set 2020 objectives
Decide on your priority objectives for the year.
Keep them simple & clear – 3 is an ideal number.
It ultimately gives you far more chance of achieving them.
They could be, for example, in the following areas -
a. increase of market share
b. cull unnecessary expenses
c. Customer satisfaction
Vital to quantify each objective
EG: – for Customer satisfaction, rather then putting down “provide best Customer service” rather “30% increase in return business”.
4. more of & less of………………
From step 1, you know what worked & need to build on more of these activities into your 2020 strategic plan.
Similarly, you know what didn’t work.
Figure out why not & formulate a plan/s to do less or cut out these activities altogether where possible.
Do the activities match your 2020 objectives – will they, in your opinion have the traction to get you to your targets & beyond?
If NO, back to the drawing board, if yes, move on to step 5
5. Accountability & feedback
For each activity, appoint an Objective Champion agree on initiative to implement & drive the process. He/She is the accountable person for achieving the measurables agreed to activate & achieve the goal/s for this objective.
Next, share the vision & 2020 objectives with the wider Team.
Welcome questions & suggestions.
Modify original plan/s, where/if necessary.
This is caled inclusive leadership & is proven to gain 12%+ more productivity & a company x3, the chances of exceeding an objective!
Regular communication to all, is also a crucial element in achieving a successful outcome.
6. tweak where necessary
Once you have the plan on the launching pad – DO IT!
Don’t waver at this delicate point; you will immediately kill all enthusiasm & confidence & most likely end up with another dreadful result!
BUT, don’t rush off on a totally random path from your intended one & anticipated destination! (A habit, I tend to do, to my detriment!)
It takes the collective eye off the ball & falters.
A key element to success is, stick to the plan, but be nimble enough to tweak where you can see an improvement is necessary, or where an unplanned opportunity presents itself.
Like a sailing ship tacking or running with the wind – always keeping the end goal firmly in sight!
At BizGro, we support companies create winning strategies & have helped many ships reach their paradise goals.
Call us, at any time.
Happy sailing!