The sail will be enjoyable if the crew is prepared well: The importance of Preparation in Meetings.
Imran Newaz Khurshid
Learning & Development | Training | Instructional Design | Facilitation, with Passion in Project Management and Cross-Cultural Competence
Do you realize the essence of the roles the crew play on a charter? The beauty of the passenger experience can be associated with the art that the crew display on a charter.
Similarly, preparation for #meetings is part of our job. If we do not prepare well for the meeting then the time during the meeting might be wasted!
So take some time and do the following before the meeting:
- think of talking points
- call people in advance to check their availability and reminder if needed
- do research on their skills and work updates,
- and prepare with questions and follow up questions for effective meetings.
And yes, during this era of #digitaltransformation, test your equipment early, before the meeting. That is part of the preparation.
Know the Participants' unanticipated challenges
Even if you manage to do the meeting sitting at your office, chances are the other attendees are working from home or from a coffee shop, so please empathize and take into account of their potential physical and social surroundings.
The following picture speaks for itself.
Good luck! Enjoy your meetings!
Image credits:
First picture (cover picture): Marcin Ciszewski
Second picture: Dane Deaner
?Third picture: Standsome Worklifestyle