The Sage that Clears.
"A Plant a Day"- Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)-
Clary Sage is a type of sage, but not the sage that you may be familiar with commonly used as a spice. It is a biennial herbaceous plant that produces spikes of flowers which range from white to lilac in color. Clary Sage is native to the Mediterranean Basin, has a long history of use as a medicinal herb, and its name comes from its common use to “clear” the eyes, not only from debris but also from motes and white spots. It was also commonly used for drawing out thorns or other debris from the skin, and for overall improving skin health. The main use today for Clary Sage is for its essential oil in the perfume or natural scents industries, and as a fixative (an agent that helps the scents stay for longer). Clary Sage essential oil’s scent can be described as a sweet, nut-like fragrance. It also has use in beverages, and brewing, and as a muscatel flavoring for vermouths, wines, and liqueurs. Clary Sage essential oil has a number of confirmed activities, including, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, antispasmodic, antifungal, antidepressant, anxiolytic and anticonvulsant properties. In one recent clinical study, inhalation of Clary Sage was found to reduce cortisol in term-pregnant women. In a preclinical study, Clary Sage’s antidepressant activities were found to be due to its modulation of the dopaminergic pathway.
#APlantADay #UsefulPlants #MedicinalPlants #Ethnopharm #Ethnobotany #clarysage #depression #mood #essentialoil #dopamine
Photo by H. Zell
We offer Turkish oregano , laurel leaf as spices % essential oils . We are near for for you with one call / one email .
5 年We offer sage from Turkey as herb or as spice ( pure or blend ) or essential oils.
great for the brain (and for spicing up foods too)