Sage Advice for Career Professionals and Entrepreneurs
Nathaniel Patterson, Jr.
Enhancing the next generation of Leaders. LeadersHum: The Top 200 Biggest Voices In Leadership 2022 & 2023.
Last week I had a digital conversation with a young entrepreneur association. For the first 30 minutes, we spoke about strategies and trends in the new norm. the next hour they asked me to speak about my experiences in turning around underperforming businesses and teams. So I decided to give them a few (43) nuggets of simplicity, that guided my actions and thinking.
I have spent a lifetime acquiring this. It is in my spirit to empower and celebrate your success. NP2
*Treat all with respect.
*Remember your WHY?!!?
*Listen more than you talk.
*Be concise and insightful.
*Your health is your true wealth.
*Reward the behavior you desire.
*Focus decisions on the long-term.
*Schedule family events twice per year.
*Prayer and Praise throughout the day.
*Learning requires a supportive culture.
*Hold them accountable for their actions.
*A wise person controls anger and tongue.
*Your attitude impacts productivity and others.
*Emotional Intelligence is undervalued. Seek it.
*Toxic people and their enablers must be removed.
*Give them time for ideation and rest. But not to lag.
*Check your ego. The talent & outcome is God's gift.
*When there is a crisis, be concise, factual and truthful.
*Nothing is sacred except integrity, quality, and values.
*You must evolve or become irrelevant. Don't get stuck.
*Challenge team and yourself to be better than yesterday.
*Leadership is not a crown. Yet a lifestyle of responsibility.
*No matter the industry, you are first in the people business.
*The customer is not always right, but they must be respected.
*An early (morning) start reduces stress and increases insight.
*Failure is part of learning. Do not be punitive. Nor recurring.
*Know the difference between calculated risk and risky behavior.
*Coaching, mentorship, training, sponsorship. Know the difference.
*Resistance to change is expected. Focus them on the gain, not loss.
*A conversation requires two or more talking. Take a breath and listen.
*Compensation is good but a responsive & supportive culture is better.
*Hire for character, passion & synergy. Except for highly technical jobs.
*There is no such thing as self-made. There are many people who invested in you over the years.
*Know your people and equally know your numbers, especially your key performance indicators.
*Measure everything that is vital and show staff how it impacts their jobs and business objectives.
*Take time to research, plan, develop options, evaluate, measure and be ready to pivot if necessary.
*There is always a difference between what is written and implemented. Decide if it is detrimental quickly.
*Every employee must know how their position impacts business objectives, customer experiences, and revenue.
*The brilliance in leadership is not the strategy but communication, listening, recognition, proactive resources, and vision.
*The smartest is not always the best for leadership or management. These jobs require unselfish attention to team and objectives.
*Integrate technology not to be trendy but to increase insights and save time. It may be the difference between competitive and failing.
*Take time, better earlier than later, to determine if you want to be ordinary or extraordinary. Then allow your actions, communication, habits and thinking to match.
*There is no one miracle strategy, yet a few situational strategies that are congruent and supportive. Be guided by the objective, but manage for the situation and relationships.
*Talking about a problem without a solution is a complaint. Complainers are dismissed. Enhance your brand and people's perception of you by becoming a solution-oriented speaker.
NP2 (Nathaniel Patterson, Jr.)