The SafetyLine Check-in – October 2024

The SafetyLine Check-in – October 2024

Welcome to the SafetyLine Check-in, a monthly LinkedIn newsletter that provides timely news and updates on lone and remote workers' health and safety, as well as exclusive insight into emerging occupational safety trends and developments.?

If you are unfamiliar with SafetyLine Lone Worker and its long history of protecting employees working alone, learn more about us on our How We Work page.?

See you in Penticton and Tampa?

On October 7th to 8th, we attended the 2024 Joint Annual Conference & Trade Show in Penticton, hosted by the BC Municipal Safety Association & Public Works Association of BC. And later this month, south of the border, we’ll be in Tampa, Florida for the 2024 Home Care and Hospice Conference and Expo, which is held by the National Association for Home Care and Hospice. If you’re also attending those events, please come by our booth to say hello.?

Training your employees – in-person vs online?

When you take a look at the news links down in the Did You See This? Section, you might find a common thread: safety training. Additionally, if you scan our past month’s articles that were published on safety websites, you’ll find an article on how safety training can benefit fall prevention at work. Safety training is becoming more prevalent in workplaces with more evidence supporting its role in preventing injuries such as the NSC’s Campbell Institute’s major study and recent research which found safety training to have raised awareness of occupational hazards within workers.?

But which is more effective, in-person training or online training? Surprising, neither. It depends on the worker. They found this in a study on remote and in-person learning as well as in research that simply found safety training to be more impactful when it was more engaging for the worker. While online safety training can be very convenient and it might not always be the most effective training method for some of your employees.?

From the SafetyLine Website and Blog?

Common Questions and Answers for SafetyLine Buyers?

Individuals involved in purchasing and researching SafetyLine come from a variety of roles within an organization. This includes high-level executives such as CEOs and presidents, as well as administrative assistants and the lone workers who will use the technology. Each role brings a unique perspective and set of requirements when evaluating lone worker safety solutions tailored to their team's specific needs and challenges.?

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Winter Driving Safety Tips from SafetyLine?

Most places in North America are starting to experience the impact of winter, with cold temperatures, snow, and icy roads. Whether you’re driving with your family or for work, safe winter driving is a concern and a priority when the roads start to get slick and slippery. And whether you’re for personal reasons or your job, certain safety steps can be taken that can protect winter drivers in both scenarios, regardless of where you’re going.?

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In the News?

How Safety Training Can Go a Long Way in Preventing Falls at Work – OH&S??

In regulatory agencies across the world — such as OSHA — education and training are recommended practices for effective safety and health programs. For employees at risk of falls, they should be provided fall prevention and fall protection training, which can be focused into one of three categories: general safety, site-specific safety and job- or task-specific safety training.?

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Are you perpetuating lone worker myths? These ways of thinking can jeopardize their well-being and safety – ISHN??

Working alone is dangerous. Lone workers face occupational hazards and increased risks those in pairs or teams do not experience when performing their jobs. These include inaccessible or difficult communication, increased risk of harassment and assault, and no coworkers to help if they are hurt or ill — lone workers can also experience stress and loneliness from the isolative nature of the work. Additionally, there are several safety myths around lone worker safety that — unless clarified with both safety managers and lone workers — can jeopardize the wellbeing of those performing their jobs alone.?

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Check-In Solutions vs. Panic Buttons: Why Proactive Safety Wins – Industrial Hygiene?

Lone workers are much more vulnerable than your average employee. People who perform their jobs in isolation can face different occupational hazards that are particularly complex and difficult to manage due to their unique work circumstances. To solve this problem, lone workers need to have access to emergency help and need to be monitored in a way that does not disrupt operations or their tasks. The secret lies in proactive and reactive safety.?

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Did You See This??

Here’s some of the top work safety-related news you might have missed over the past month.?

See you next month!

Occupational health and safety is constantly evolving. Subscribe to the SafetyLine Check-in to stay updated on current and future news and trends in lone worker safety.?

If you have inquiries about workplace and lone worker safety, you can book a time with one of our experienced safety professionals, here.?


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