Is safety taking the strain?

Is safety taking the strain?

Amid all the jokes about the weight of North Sea offshore workers increasing by almost a third, there were concerns voiced about health issues.

But this also applies to safe working: from lifeboat capacity to safety harnesses, stretchers to choppers, how can you be sure your assets and equipment are keeping up with the changing shape of the workforce??

Get in touch for a chat about how to make sure your business is up to taking the strain.

That was #OE23

The #OE23 Buzzwire Challenge

We were at Offshore Europe and our buzzwire challenge went down a treat. Check the hashtag #MarexAt25 on LinkedIn to see some remarkable attempts.

And then take a read of Kai Henderson 's (pictured above) latest #CoffeeWithKai update on the experience.?

The big interview

And one final flashback to the Marex stand at Offshore Europe: our MD Wayne Henderson talks to the man with the mic from #OETV on the event, the industry and how he views its future direction. As well as an attempt at the buzzwire on camera - brave.

What is STAMP analysis?

A new approach to engineering safer systems... STAMP

STAMP treats the system as a whole, not the sum of its parts. Some advantages of using a STAMP analysis are that:

  • it works on very complex systems because it works top down rather than bottom up.
  • it includes software, humans, organisations, safety culture, etc. as causal factors in accidents and other types of losses without having to treat them differently or separately
  • it allows creating more powerful tools, such as STPA, accident analysis (CAST), identification and management of leading indicators of increasing risk, organisational risk analysis, etc

Want to find out more about how your project could benefit from a new approach?

There is a short explanatory article here. And our expert Varun Sarpangal is your man to talk to: drop him a line now...



