“Safety in numbers”
A story of (extra)ordinary administration
Operational efficiency and financial soundness are crucial elements of any business model in order to enable business growth. Behind the scenes, the administration department ensures that business processes are smooth, organised and efficient. We spoke about this with Albert Dorfmann, Chief Financial Officer at NaturalLook.?
What are the challenges facing an administration department in a company distributing foreign brands on the Italian market?
"First of all, we have to ensure the financial soundness of the company. Our partners need to be sure that NaturalLook is a reliable partner in terms of payments and the management of finances.
And we also take risks, for instance when we order goods. It should furthermore be pointed out that, especially on the Italian market, payment of invoices by customers is of particular importance. Thanks to our solid administrative structure, we have managed to maintain a particularly low insolvency rate by building and maintaining relationships of trust with banks.
Our company is also responsible for protecting individual brands throughout Italy in terms of communication, representation and consumer services: the administration department is therefore also responsible for contract management.?
It can also happen that we have to deal with situations in which the brands themselves have been counterfeited. In these cases, NaturalLook acts as a valuable aid in protecting the integrity of the brands that we distribute.”
How are workflows organised in the company?
“Our company manages a mass market and we are aware of the importance of minimising errors in our operations. That is why our organisation is structured so as to try and minimise the error rate. A key element in ensuring the effectiveness of our business workflows is the use of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which allows us to manage all of our business activities – from order tracking through to supply chain management and right up to accounting, all in an integrated manner.
Our corporate culture is geared towards efficiency and innovation.
We constantly monitor company performances and we use the data collected to improve processes and optimise available resources. Collaboration between the different departments is crucial to ensure an effective flow of information, thus enabling flexible and timely management.”
How does the administration department mesh with business at NaturalLook?
“The administration department is vital in ensuring process efficiency. A tangible example of this approach is the management of the 25,000-plus invoices issued annually: we have now automated this process to ensure their prompt handling while containing management costs.”
What are the most attractive administrative services for a brand that decides to rely on NaturalLook? What are the advantages for retailers and brand partners?
“One of the most attractive advantages is undoubtedly the control we have over financial flows. This provides our business partners with the guarantee of a strong financial base and a long history of reliability. We also thoroughly monitor customer records on a daily basis: in this way we can offer foreign brands access to a carefully selected Italian market. We are regarded as meticulous and punctual partners, able to offer fast, fair and mutually respectful cooperation: NaturalLook actively works to find commonalities that will meet the needs of both brand partners and retailers.?
To do this, we adopt a humane approach to our relationships, one that is based upon common sense and a commitment to ethical and social goals. For example, we are aware of the real benefits that technology can offer, and we adopt environmentally friendly and sustainable options whenever possible. The digitisation of our internal processes has enabled us to significantly reduce our use of paper within the company, while we have expanded our car fleet with electric vehicles, thus contributing to environmental sustainability.”
This is the professional and empathetic approach that provides high-quality administrative services to offer real added value to brand partners and retailers who choose to work with NaturalLook.