"Safety in Numbers" & Fear
People are emotional beings and the more we are aware of this in everyday life, the more potential we unlock. For this reason, most people buy and sell in herds. The ‘safety in numbers theory’ actually prevents most people from realizing maximum profits and can hold us back from becoming successful. In fact, it’s the reason why some are so successful in life while others struggle to reach goals. In the real estate business, fear can manifest in a variety of ways and can have a significant impact on our ability to achieve our goals.
One common fear in life, business and the real estate industry is the fear of failure. This can be a particularly powerful fear for those who are just starting out in the business or who are trying to break into a new market.?
As a young agent I experienced many recessions. I refinanced properties and borrowed against my credit cards to keep my business going. I wasn’t going to fail so I worked longer and harder than everyone around me and I made all of the tough calls to achieve my goals. I was looking up instead of down and, even though I was scared to death every day, I never took my eyes off my goals. The fear of failure can lead us to hold back and play it safe, rather than taking risks and trying new things that could potentially lead to success. But it can also push us to resilience if you harness your fears into a positive driver towards your goals.
Another fear that can stop us from being successful in real estate is the fear of rejection. Whether it's the fear of being rejected by a potential client or the fear of having a deal fall through, this fear can make us hesitant to put ourselves out there and take the necessary steps to grow our business.
Rejection is a tough one for me because I want to be liked. Saying no, taking a stand and making the tough calls takes courage. When I left my father’s business to join a leading independent firm I was sure the community was going to reject me. I mean, think about it, the company was called ‘Hernandez Realty’. I knew that my father was winding down and that I was not ready to take over the business. But I was completely wrong about my perceived community response. The community embraced my move and my career soared. As an anecdote, it was my father’s hope that I would leave and make a success of myself on my own.
Ultimately, the key to overcoming fear and achieving success in the real estate business is to face our fears head on and take steps to overcome them. This may involve seeking out support and guidance from mentors or colleagues, setting clear goals and developing a plan to achieve them, and being willing to take calculated risks. By facing our fears and working to overcome them, we can open ourselves up to new opportunities and succeed in the real estate industry.