The Safety Mindset
When I started my career, freshly graduated from a Health & Safety Master, the main principles were to apply and implement safety regulations. However, there were always accidents! And then, a new CEO came on board and decided to put safety first (at least at the same level as financial performance). What a surprise! New “leaders” were hired and we started to talk about safety leadership, line management responsibilities, behaviour and culture. We had a huge progress but there were still accidents, much less but sometimes more major. When I was talking with other business representatives close to zero accidents, I could notice small but significant differences in how to think and act either individually and collectively. It was then that I understood safety is a mind-set we have at work, at home, at the offices, at our leisure’s … whatever our position, and our age.
So I decided to write a book in novel style to share the best knowledge available in psychology, neuroscience, organisation, and management, to create and sustain The Safety Mindset.
Nicolas is a new health and safety director who’s just been recruited to achieve zero accident as fast as possible, and you’re going to find yourself in his shoes, plunged into his world. Given the difficulty of his task, he seeks guidance from a consultant, Simon, a retired specialist in cultural transformation and human potential. Together, the two men will discover the organisational limits and the limits of the human factor. Over a series of meetings, they will explore the key factors of human potential and the safety mindset, with the aim of constructing a robust, agile, high-performance and resilient safety culture in order to maintain zero accident sustainably.
“Knowledge is pointless if it’s not shared" Extract from The Safety Mindset book, chapter 3, page 196
The Safety Mindset’s foreword has been written by highly advanced and renowned safety professionals:
- Peter Cavada (Ing. Betr.oec.) Head of corporate Health Safety Environment at Hilti
- Thierry Ziegler, Director operations at Coatex group (ex Global HSE Director Bostik an Arkema company)
- Stéphane Golz, Head of HSE Richemont (ex Vice President QHS&E EMEA, F&F Industry)
What is a Safety Mindset?
"The safety mindset is a mentality, a way of thinking and acting, a predisposition or frame of mind, an intention and a will to protect yourself and others, control risk and share safety values." Extract from The Safety Mindset book, chapter 4 page 268
"Devour this book. It will certainly not leave you indifferent and, above all, you’ll find yourself coming back to it for a really precise understanding of the concepts and approaches described. Thank you for this book, David, and well done on producing this compilation of approaches and methodologies that assist Nicolas on his perilous journey to a Sustainable Zero Accident target." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Thierry Ziegler, Director operations at Coatex group (ex Global HSE Director Bostik – an Arkema company)
Is The Safety Mindset innate or acquired characteristic?
Although our genes play a role in our way of thinking and acting, our environment (external influences) and our experiences (lived or imagined) influence our mindset.
“Admitting one’s ignorance is the first step towards discovery, proper learning and wisdom.” Extract from The Safety Mindset book, chapter 1 page 34
The human being has similar way of functioning all over the world which is differentiated by beliefs and values construction which are specifics to groups or countries he belongs.
These beliefs and values (personal and collective) define one’s mindset which will interact effectively (or not) with one’s environment.
The right beliefs and the right values create and animate the safety mindset.
The great news is that we can all learn or relearn The Safety Mindset!
"The book is an easy read, combining technical aspects with many psychological effects and the principles of Health and Safety management. It is all nicely reproducible for experts but also for managers who are new to the function. We can all learn that Health and Safety is not just about covering legal aspects or process elements. It is more like the art of reading the organization, teaming up with stakeholders, building alliances and working as a team on agreed targets." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Peter Cavada (Ing. Betr.oec.) Head of corporate Health Safety Environment at Hilti
How to create the right beliefs and values?
Three beliefs are fundamental:
1. 0 accidents, it is possible.
2. Human capital is the most valuable asset of a company or community.
3. Nothing we do is worth getting hurt for.
We can all find, individually or collectively, a reason or a motivation, in our life, to have safety as a priority value.
Try to answer the question: what motivates me to come back home safe every day?
Our answers are almost the same: for ourselves (our development, our success, our future …), for our family, our children, for our friends, for our passions … in fact for what we value in our life.
"Nothing we do is worth getting hurt or suffering, whereas life and happiness are worth everything."
Extract from The Safety Mindset conclusion, page 330
It is these values that make us thinking before acting and above all that will influence the safest decision, whatever the context and circumstances.
Safety is not a business program! This is not an additional task! It’s OUR LIFE! It is OUR SAFETY MINDSET! They are numerous to count on us, do not disappoint them! Adopt The Safety Mindset whatever the situation.
What influences The safety Mindset?
It’s our way of thinking and acting and it’s our environment. To go further, we must understand the limits of the human factor and the organizational limits. It is then possible to determine human potentials and organizational potentials: From the Limits to Potentials.
In the Safety Mindset book you will discover:
At individual level, you will be able to discover the mechanisms of beliefs, values, emotions, interferences of perception, attention, limits of human faculties and their deterioration, stress, human errors, decisions and behaviour. Further on, you will be able to understand the key factors in human potential development and the safety mindset.
On a collective and organizational level, you will be able to discover the key concepts of safety culture, the maturity of the safety culture, the management of cultural transformation, the collective dynamics, the role of safety leaders and the role of situational integrative meta-leader. The aim is to build Robust, Agile, High-Performance and Resilient safety culture to achieve and sustain zero accidents over the long term.
"Transforming the culture of a company and its employees is inconceivable without also transforming the mindset of those who shape and manage it”
Extract from The Safety Mindset book, chapter 4 page 253
"This book will help you identify the right tone, setting the stage with the right message and its unique style makes it highly memorable. In addition, the book is also a toolbox offering a solid selection of the know-how required to be a successful Health and Safety Manager." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Peter Cavada (Ing. Betr.oec.) Head of corporate Health Safety Environment at Hilti
0 accidents: is this a utopia?
It’s not because we cannot do it yet that it’s impossible. We lack, no doubt knowledge.
The man of all the times has been able to meet the wildest challenges, such as sending men to walk on the moon and bring them back safe and sound. Our imagination, adaptation, learning capability and team spirit are almost limitless!
“The only boundaries to our dreams are those that come from our beliefs.”
Extract from The safety Mindset book, conclusion, page 333
"In order to want to carry out an action or do something, you often have to look ahead and think about how that action or thing might positively affect you, either directly or indirectly (happiness > suffering)." Extract from The Safety Mindset book chapter 4, page 238
"This book is also an invitation to travel, on journeys that measure the cultural differences between countries and regions around the world, therefore providing a better understanding of the fact that an approach that works with Europeans will not work in the same way in Asia." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Thierry Ziegler, Director operations at Coatex group (ex Global HSE Director Bostik – an Arkema company)
Who are the most important persons who have influenced The Safety Mindset?
Many persons have influenced or inspired The Safety Mindset book. And I’m grateful for them. I would like to talk about three of them.
1. The Industrial guy: Paul O’Neill
He was one the first leaders to put safety first for a huge organization. He has inspired a large generation of CEO by demonstrating that good safety performance is good overall performance for a company.
I let you discover (or rediscover) his philosophy “Human is the most important asset”. Watch “Paul O'Neill CEO of Alcoa - It's all about safety"
Three fundamental questions have to be asked by all leaders to their employees:
1. Are you treated with dignity and respect everyday by everyone you encounter?
2. Are you given the things you need (tools, equipment, training, encouragement) so you can make a contribution that give meaning to your life?
3. Do you get recognized for what you do?
The answers should be “Yes” without any reservations. It is a great test for a leader.
Thank you Mr O’Neill for this exemplarity and this humanity!
He inspired me to create the “Situational Integrative Meta- Leader” SIML concept.
"The integrative leader, on the other hand, will manage both internal and external influences, and above all, will facilitate the emergence and development of safety leaders within the organisation. They are also responsible for ensuring the transformation of people, culture and sustainable performance within the context of the company." Extract from The Safety Mindset book, Chapter 3, page 187
Discover the role of The Situational Integrative Meta-Leader (SIML) on:
- The collective and individual components of a safety culture
- The safety culture maturity
- The cascading of a safety culture’s values
- The internal governance
- The external governance
"Adapting to context takes effort and energy. The role of the situational integrative meta-leaders is to continually observe and give feedback to the safety leaders - all employees - to guarantee this adaptation happens as quickly as possible while consuming as little energy as possible. Flexibility and agility are required in order to anticipate and adapt to the context and situation." Extract from The Safety Mindset Chapter 3, page 188
"We clearly understand that Safety should be part of everyone’s DNA in order to change the culture and boost the performance of any company. I really appreciate the mix between the fictional aspect and the practical tools that every Safety manager can use in their day-to-day activity. Thank you, David, for allowing every reader to share in the vision and experience of a senior safety professional. The new generation will learn a lot about the way in which a senior manager can influence a company’s safety culture and, more importantly, how to go about doing it. Safety can be seen as a never-ending issue and sometimes boring to advocate, but the reality is quite different: good safety performance and a strong safety culture are always good business. There are so many ways to achieve the ultimate goal of zero injuries and this book tells a story in order to explore all the options and tools that a safety professional can use to transform safety into a company value." Stéphane Golz, Head of HSE Richemont (ex Vice President QHS&E EMEA, F&F Industry)
2. The Artist & Scientist: Leonardo Da Vinci
“Look at light and admire its beauty. Close your eyes, and then look again: what you saw is no longer there; and what you will see later is not yet.” Léonardo da Vinci.
The artist and scientist who have inspired the Safety Mindset book is Leonardo da Vinci. He is an example of integration of expertise.
By observing and studying nature, Leonardo da Vinci has shown us our ability to adapt to our environment. This year we are commemorated 500 years of this genius with a universal spirit.
Leonardo had an immoderate interest in analyzing, understanding and transferring his knowledge to application (art, engineering, anatomical medicine, architecture….). By the extent of his studies, he is a model of integration of the diversity of nature. He is the example of the human potential that brilliantly combines the rational and the irrational.
"In his book, the well acknowledged Health and Safety Expert, David Voluer, gives us a perfect example of what is needed to get across a complex message. It is the “how” that makes this book significantly different. Besides the superbly analysed technical aspects, David has used the form of a novel to keep the reader engaged and get the message across." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Peter Cavada (Ing. Betr.oec.) Head of corporate Health Safety Environment at Hilti
3. The politician Leader: Nelson Mandela
The third person who has the most influenced and inspired The Safety Mindset book is Nelson MANDELA, a simple man and basically human. An example of integrity and resilience.
“People are human beings, produced by the society in which they live. You encourage people by seeing the good in them”, Mandela explained. Extract of The Safety Mindset book, chapter 2 page 96
“Respect, helpfulness, sharing, community, generosity, trust, and selflessness, that is the spirit of Ubuntu.”
“People are human beings, produced by the society in which they live. You encourage people by seeing the good in them”, Mandela explained. Extract of The Safety Mindset book, Chapter 2 Page 105
“I’ve followed your advice of education, education, education…. teach them a different way of thinking, acting, and reflecting on things.” Extract of The Safety Mindset book, Chapter 2 page 105
"Through his book, David has moved Health and Safety and the protagonist Nicolas out of an isolated bunker right into the heart of the business, with all its interrelations, synergies and potential. Enjoy the read." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Peter Cavada (Ing. Betr.oec.) Head of corporate Health Safety Environment at Hilti
How is the book The safety Mindset structured?
It is structured in two parts:
This book is told in the form of an imagined story, often inspired by real life situations. Nicolas is a new health and safety director who’s just been recruited to achieve zero accident as fast as possible, and you’re going to find yourself in his shoes, plunged into his world. Given the difficulty of his task, he seeks guidance from a consultant, Simon, a retired specialist in cultural transformation and human potential. Together, the two men will discover the organizational and human limits and then explore the potential of organisation and human being.
Each chapter is followed by a training component on the theory and concepts involved in the subjects raised.
We nurture the hope that this introduction to the subject in the style of a novel will let you imagine a world without injuries. And that the theory element within it will provide you with the additional knowledge needed to better overcome the challenges ahead of you.
For who is The Safety Mindset book?
The Safety Mindset is a book that is teaming with ideas while also being pragmatic, and is particularly recommended for all managers and directors wishing to achieve zero accident in a sustainable way, and all those actively involved in accident prevention, such as health and safety directors or health and safety managers.
"Through this book, David gives us the benefit of his extensive professional experience, both as a Safety Director in numerous companies but also as a consultant to organisations. This book will be avidly read by many, including Safety Engineers in their first post, Safety Directors of large groups, and Safety Managers in SMEs." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Thierry Ziegler, Director operations at Coatex group (ex Global HSE Director Bostik – an Arkema company)
" I personally recommend this book to my team and anyone who wants to develop personally and be a game changer within any company keen to improve its safety performance. I am again grateful to David for the huge effort put into writing this book and sharing his vision and experience with all safety professionals but also with anyone seeking to make safety a strong added value and a means of differentiating their company from the competition." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Stéphane Golz, Head of SHE Richemont (exVice President QHS&E EMEA, F&F Industry)
"This book will become a reference work in the profession. I hope that everyone who is likely to have to assume operational responsibilities - not just the Safety managers and directors who facilitate Safety, but especially those who live and breathe Safety on the ground, every minute of the day, in operations, maintenance and logistics - gets the opportunity to read David's book." Extract from The Safety Mindset foreword by Thierry Ziegler, Director operations at Coatex group (ex Global HSE Director Bostik – an Arkema company)
"Safety is an operational reality, not just paperwork stuffed away in filing cabinets" Extract from The safety Mindset book Chapter 2 page 92
David VOLUER Author of The Safety Mindset
How do you get the book?
Let’s discover The Safety Mindset and the adventures of Nicolas and Simon.