Safety Management verse Safety Leadership – How do they differ ...
Faith Eeson
Safety Consultant, WHSMS, RTW, Audits, Training Programs Online & Digital Portal. Certified Trainer
Is Safety management or Safety leadership more important than the other??There are certainly differences between the two? but they undoubtedly should not be regarded as two opposing forces.
?What is meant by: Safety Management
?Safety Management is generally understood as?implementing a set of principles, framework, processes and measures to prevent incidents, injuries and other adverse consequences that may be caused by utilising a service or a product.
?Safety Management?provides the tools for understanding and engaging in safer work practices. Safety management defines what hazards exist in the workplace and establishes processes to be follow to avoid those hazards. The success of safety management tools in mitigating risk and maximising safety, relies on the buy-in from upper management and the decision makers.
?What is meant by:?Safety Leadership
?Safety leadership is?the capacity to rally workers around safety challenges, and influence behaviour so that it becomes safer.
?Safety leadership provides the vision and resources needed to implement an effective health and safety program. For example, by:
?How Safety Management and Safety Leadership differ from each other.
?There are a few differences between Safety Management and Safety Leadership which have been associated with them and are described in the table below:
Descriptions of the differences:
?This table shows that Safety Management is about systemisation and process, which needs to be implemented, to guide and direct the desired outcomes and Safety Leadership is people centric, which focuses on developing the safety culture and leadership that is needed to have the workforce buy-in to the safety objectives of the workplace.
?Although they are seemingly opposite or contrary forces, they may be more complementary, interconnected, and interdependent.
?In Summary
?It’s very important to understand that Safety Management and Safety Leadership are no more important than the other. ?Whilst there are differences between the two, as noted in the table above, however they are not opposing forces.
In fact, as a best practice they should be integrated as they complement each other; interlocked as they are reliant on each other to achieve the highest objectives of effective safety performance and safety outcomes in the workplace.
?Safety Management implements processes and measures to prevent incidents, injuries and other adverse consequences and Safety Leadership provides the vision and identify the resources needed to implement an effective health and safety program.
?Conclusion: “Safety Management and Safety Leadership must work hand-in-hand to achieve safety on the workplace…”