SAFETY FIRST!!! But, why??
John M Perez
President at Archon Energy | Helping safety and training leaders boost results through continuous improvement and benchmarking | Certified Nexans cable termination Instructor
No matter how long you have been in the Electric Utility trade, or just about any trade, you have heard the slogan or seen the signs saying "Safety First". But, why is Safety First so important? I recently asked this question to a large group during the morning safety meeting, and the first response was, "So we all go home to our families and no one gets hurt." "My man!" was my response. Safety First is a constant reminder of that we have rules and procedures to follow which are designed to send us home at the end of the day with all of our parts and pieces intact. Or, as I like to say tongue in cheek, "So you all go home the way you got here, hung over and stupid." So my next question is this; "What happens when someone does get hurt?" "The clock resets." was the first answer. "Yes, the clock does reset, but what else happens?" The second answer was, "Someone is injured." Again, "Yes!" Now that we know a person has been injured, what is the long term effect? "Safety rules are changed." was the first answer. "Another good and true answer, but not exactly what I'm looking for." was my response. I continued saying, "I'm the guy who was injured when I was hit in the head with a backhoe. I'm truly lucky the hit didn't kill me, and I know from the outside I appear okay. But, since that day more than 25 years ago, not a single day goes by where I don't open my eyes and feel some kind of pain. Since the accident I live with peripheral neuropathy in my arms and legs which worsens each year. I feel either sharp and shooting pain or a loss of sensation. You decide which sounds better. There has been 6 (yes I said 6!) knee surgeries and 2 cervical fusions leaving me with metal in my neck. There are definitely more surgeries in my immediate future including a knee replacement. So, Safety First is important because none of us want to be the injured guy or the person who could have prevented an injury to a co-worker." While I do understand that my case may be a bit extreme, it is true. Any injury, even minor, usually is something a person lives with for the remainder of their days. So, even if you don't like the person your working with, you MUST keep them safe. As a side note, the Operator who hit me with the backhoe never operated a piece of equipment again during the remainder of his career. Yes, complacency easily sets in when the work you perform every day is hazardous, you just learn to live with it, but we must remain vigilant. Keep each other safe!
If you would like me to speak with your group about the long term effects of injuries and safety please contact me at [email protected]
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