Safety dot-point Sunday No.8
Not an article, rather a couple of dot-points on info that caught my eye (relevant to my work) from the various Work Health and Safety Regulator media outlets within Australia.
Crystalline Silica Substances
When it comes to workplace dust hazards, you may have heard of Silica, and Respirable Crystaline Silica or RCS. Multiple regulators have recently put out information regarding Working with Crystalline Silica Substances (CSS). This information is for PCBUs* who process CCS, who need to protect workers from RCS. From 1 September 2024 there are additional requirements in relation to processing under applicable regulations.
*See applicable Mines Regulations for Mine Sites
Processing can mean the use of power tools or mechanical plant to undertake crushing, grinding, drilling, blasting, quarrying, tunnelling essentially a process that may expose a worker to RCS during manufacturing or handling of a CSS.
Applicable materials - containing 1% or more crystalline silica.
High Risk - WHS Regulations define high risk, in relation to the processing of a CSS, as the processing of a CSS that is reasonably likely to result in a risk to the health of a person at the workplace. If assessed as high risk, you must comply with additional requirements, including having -
Safe Work Australia
Serious Injuries
Labourers are included in the highest proportions of serious injuries within the Tasmanian Construction & Manufacturing Industries according to 2022 snapshots. The most common causes include body stressing, falls & being hit by moving objects.