Safety in Design (SiD)

Safety in Design (SiD)

Safety in Design (SiD) is a system that brings hazard identification and risk assessment early in the design stage. When the SiD is performed in early stage of the project (during design stage), engineers and designers be in a strong position to make work healthy and safe from the start of the design process. The SiD report can include “copies of all relevant health and safety information the designer prepared and used in the design process, such as the safety report, risk register, safety data sheets, manuals and procedures for safe maintenance, dismantling or eventual demolition”.

Symberszki chart  of influence over a  product’s lifecycle  (adapted from  Szymberski, R, (1997),  Construction Project Safety Planning. TAPPI  Journal, 80 (11), 69–74)

Safety in Design Stages - The whole process of the concept is completed in two stages, stage-1 is reporting that covers the consideration at design stage. the next stage which is stage-2 has different objective, this stage is called as manual and this stage is addressed to the owner or user of the process.

Stage - 1: SiD Report - This report will include the designers risk assessments and their approach to eliminating or mitigating the risks within the Design and or Specifications. This report is provided to the Client and to the Principal Contractor. Below is the contents of the typical SiD report, its a 3 stage design process (concept, schematic and final of each stage).

  1. Purpose OR Objectives – a description of the projects purpose and objectives
  2. Research & Findings – results of research on; type of facility, incidence of accidents, stakeholder consultations, references to relevant standards, reference to previous SiD Reports and the key findings relevant to safety in design
  3. Risk Assessment – results and copies of the risk assessment undertaken (by who & when) and design actions taken in regards to construction, use/operations, maintenance, dismantling and demolition
  4. Actions Taken –  a summary of the design actions taken and evidence of their inclusion. When risk is not eliminated the instructions for the builders, owners, users and general public. This will allow them to safely operate, maintain or demolish over the intended design life cycle

Stage - 2: SiD Manual - SiD Manual is intended to ‘inform the owner or user’ on how the new facility and its assets are designed to be used, maintained and any future works including demolition. The SiD manual could contain following contents

  1. Purpose & Objectives of the Facilities – final description of the new facilities purpose, capabilities, capacities, limitations and the like
  2. Safety in Design Reports – copies of the various SiD Reports developed during the design phase.
  3. SiD Amendments during Construction – any design changes implemented during the build phase (including changed regulations, substituted products) and the resulting amended risk assessments and actions taken
  • Description & Scope of amendments (inc ref to SiD Reports)
  • Research & Findings
  • Risk Assessment
  • Actions Taken
  1. Owner Instructions – clear instructions to the Owners/Users on how the completed works are to be safely operated, maintained, demolished and any life cycle considerations that must be addressed over the operation phase of the new facilities

Approach to completing SiD Reports and SiD Manual The collaborative approach may be quicker however, it might be better suited to simpler projects. For very complex projects a much higher level of rigour may be needed from each design specialist. Therefore, It is highly recommended to publish one set of document that includes reports and manuals.




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