Safety and Cybersecurity: The Key to Global and Complete Security

Safety and Cybersecurity: The Key to Global and Complete Security

Currently, security engineers talk about safety and cybersecurity. However, what are safety and cybersecurity? Safety is the security of people who interact with systems, while cybersecurity is the protection of data and information systems. From the point of view of security as a whole, it is important to take into account this close relationship.

Manufacturers incorporate a safety part and a cybersecurity part into their devices with the ultimate goal of having global and complete security.

But how to integrate both into the software development process? How to implement it? These issues are key for a company to gain a competitive advantage. They allow engineers to secure critical security systems and prevent disruptive actions by adopting a proactive approach.

This topic is very new, so it is not easy to find people trained in this area today, nor to find methods, tools, or procedures that guide us in addressing the problems that arise in the market.

For this reason, and with the purpose of helping to reach this information, the QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity conference is created. This conference brings together international professionals and experts from different sectors such as railways, aviation, medicine, electronic devices, banking, insurance, or telecommunications.

It is the perfect place to improve and take advantage of the incredible opportunity to train with speakers and experts from all over the world. Learning is an ongoing process and it is very useful to share techniques that have been effective and learn from the experiences of other professionals.

In addition, it is an ideal time to network. The breaks between presentations are a good time to meet other people, talk about topics that we are passionate about and that worry us, and where different and enriching experiences are shared.

If you want to be part of QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity as speaker, submit your paper


