Safety Bytes - A series of short videos, published regularly online for the health and safety industry.
James Irwin Health and Safety Recruitment
Director @ Irwin & Colton | Health, Safety & Sustainability Recruitment Experts
Byte 1: NCRQ
Irwin & Stone meet Iain Evans, Chief Executive of The National Compliance and Risk Qualification (NCRQ).
NCRQ are a new suite of level 6 health and safety qualifications, which differ in many ways from traditional health and safety qualifications.
In this video, Iain offers an insight into the NCRQ qualifications through answering a series of questions including – What qualifications NCRQ offer? What makes NCRQ different from other health and safety qualifications? How the NCRQ qualifications are assessed? Are NCRQ qualifications accredited by IOSH?