Safer Public Pools - Code of Practice

Safer Public Pools - Code of Practice

Supported by Emergency Management Victoria (EMV), Life Saving Victoria (LSV) is proud to launch the third iteration of the Safer Public Pools - Code of Practice.??

The principal objective of the Code has not changed, which is to provide practical guidance to those with responsibilities under the Occupational Health & Safety Act and Regulations. It is intended to provide consistency regarding the application and review of industry standards, benchmarking, and reporting.?

The third iteration of the document includes a range of updates to ensure currency, although the document purpose remains unchanged. Changes include:?

  • Inclusion of roles and responsibilities.?

  • Adjustments associated with updated legislation and regulations.?

  • Inclusion of information on the drowning timeline and drowning prevention.?

  • Updated training requirements to meet changes in legislation, the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations (GSPO), and most recent training packages.?

  • Inclusion of existing/alternative performance reporting provisions.?

  • Adjustments to references, appendices.?

First launched at the LSV Pool Safety Summit in October 2018, the Code is a component of the joint Government and response to coronial recommendations, made by Coroner Audrey Jamieson, which stated.?

With the aim of promoting public health and safety and preventing like deaths in public swimming pools, I recommended that Chris Eccles, Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, work with the appropriate area of Victorian Government to establish a central oversight and regulation body for public swimming pool operation in Victoria, to ensure safety standards are applied and upheld consistently across the industry.”?

The Code of Practice remains the centrepiece of the Victorian Safer Public Pools project, which is supported by the State?Government. Funding from the State Government covers:??

  • A swimming pool?classification?system???

  • Development?of a register of public?pools??

  • Creation of the Code of Practice??

  • Improved collaboration and communication??

  • Structured reporting and evaluation?processes?

LSV General Manager Training and Aquatic Industry Andy Dennis, thanked those both in and out of the industry who have contributed to the development and implementation of the Code.??

“We are very appreciative of the ongoing support of Victorian Government agencies and the aquatic industry in the development and ongoing management of the Safer Public Pools initiative and Code of Practice,” Mr Dennis said.?

“The Code makes a significant contribution towards enabling Victorians to safely benefit from the social, health and wellbeing benefits offered by our aquatic facilities in Victoria, by providing a clear framework and aligning with the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation.” Whilst recognising the success of the project, Mr Dennis also identified some areas requiring further attention.??

LSV look forward to continuing to work with industry stakeholders, the Platinum Pool Steering Committee and Government agencies to progress the initiative into the future and encourage industry representatives to contribute through the provision of feedback, attendance at industry professional development events and maintenance of currency of key industry standards.??

If successfully implemented, Victorian aquatic facilities can improve their capability and capacity to support the provision of the highest standards of aquatic safety.?

Click the link below to:?

  • View the Safer Public Pools - Code of Practice.?

  • Provide feedback on the Code of Practice?

Click the link below to:?

  • Visit the Victorian Public Pools Register?

Life Saving Victoria Emergency Management Victoria Another great contribution to enhancing public safety, well done.


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