A safer, cheaper and eco-friendly alternative to your conventional geyser.
Marshal & Tolsen Tools SA
Agents, Importers & Distributors of Quality Tools & Hardware
The increasingly popular electric shower is simply a shower head powered by electricity that can save you up to 50% on electricity and can save you around 70% of the water your standard geyser uses. An electric shower heats up cold water straight from the faucet in seconds.
The water and electrical component are sealed and completely separate from each other for your safety. The products are made from thermoplastic and the metal parts do not make any contact with any thermoplastic. Your water is heated almost immediately by the element, giving you an instant hot shower, with only a cold supply of water needed. Your standard geyser uses more than 15L of water per minute while the Lorenzetti Bella Banho, an instant hot water shower head, uses only around 4,5 litres per minute. When installed correctly by a certified electrician, these products will not cause you any harm.
Cala Van der Westhuizen, Head of Marketing and Sales at Energy Partners Home Solution, claims that water heating products accounts for 50% of a household’s electricity use. She goes on to say that “with the latest tariff hikes placing more pressure on consumers it is becoming increasingly important to find alternatives for the largest energy consuming appliances in the home”.
The Lorenzetti Shower Head, Bella Banho Ultra, won the Green Building Product award in South Africa in 2015. Lorenzetti is a well-recognized Brazilian company producing 70 million units yearly, and the products are distributed and sold in 70 countries around the world. Not only is this type of electric water heating cheaper than an actual geyser, but you also save on copper pipping and brass fitting. The product is Earthed, so the green Earth wire that runs through it ensures the unit will trip at circuit breaker, if ever required.
Save money, electricity and the planet by heating up your water in seconds in a safe & easy way with an electric shower. Found at a retailer near you and supplied exclusively to South Africa by Marshal Tools.
Email [email protected] for any enquiries or call the friendly staff at Marshal Tools on 031?467 3060. Click here for more: https://www.marshaltools.co.za