Safe System Weekly | February 28, 2025

Safe System Weekly | February 28, 2025

By Russ Martin

Welcome to this week’s edition!?The east coast is finally thawing out from a particularly frigid past couple of weeks. It's hard to believe that the Spring Equinox is just 20 days away. If you're in the east, I hope you take some time to enjoy the sunshine.

NHTSA Experiences Staff Reduction??

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has experienced a ten percent workforce reduction, and federal agencies focused on transportation safety may have additional downsizing on the horizon.??

New Layers of Review for STIP and TIP Amendments?

Instead of prior approval by FHWA regional offices, U.S. Department of Transportation's headquarters staff are now intending to review all projects newly included in State Transportation Improvement Program and Transportation Improvement Programs. These programs help states and regions plan for the spending of federal transportation funding, which includes infrastructure safety initiatives.?

Senate Transportation Committee Holds Reauthorization Hearing?

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hosted a hearing on the next federal transportation bill, featuring representatives from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the Transportation Construction Coalition, and the National Association of City Transportation Officials. Watch the full recording.??


IIHS Calls for New Vision to Reduce Roadway Fatalities by 30% in 2030?

With Vision Zero seeming further out of reach, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety proposes a new 30x30 vision to get the U.S. back on track.??

Road Design is Public Health?

This article from Harvard Public Health describes how most traffic deaths happen on “high-injury networks” that are typically roads where people also walk or bike with speed limits of 35-45 mph.

"Certain road features, such as wide lanes, encourage faster driving and increase the risk that cyclists and pedestrians will die in a collision."

States Seeing Success with ‘Hands Free’ Driving Laws?

As states ban handheld cell phone use while driving, distracted driving indicators appear to be improving. Communities are also deploying cameras to enforce distracted driving laws.??

State and Local Governments Take Steps to Constrain Automated Enforcement?

With many more communities adopting safety cameras in school and work zones, lawmakers continue to introduce legislation to ban them outright, or at least limit their use.??

Autonomous Trucking Set to Expand?

Several technology providers are planning to advance commercial driverless freight on interstates. Read more about the future of autonomous vehicle service.???

AAA Foundation to Host 2025 Safe Mobility Conference?

This year’s meeting will be April 7-9 in Madison, Wisconsin. Register here.??

CS Openings?

For anyone #OpentoWork, please check out current openings to join our team!?


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That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading!?

Send me any updates you'd like me to include next week at [email protected] or message me on LinkedIn.?


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