Safe System Weekly | February 21, 2025
by Russ Martin
Welcome to this week’s edition! We have a short report today. For your awareness, a number of staff were released from U.S. DOT at the end of last week across all of the modal agencies. With staff changes and new leadership, we’ll be watching for this administration to share more about its roadway safety focus.??
Road to Zero Coalition Back in Business??
The Road to Zero (RTZ) Coalition resumed its activities and extended the deadline for its 2025 RTZ Community Traffic Safety Grants to February 14.??
Autonomous Truck Rules Discussed in 11 Statehouses?
As vehicle automation rolls forward, many states are looking at whether or not the time is right to authorize the use of autonomous trucks, including legislation to ban them. Meanwhile, Aurora is planning to go completely driverless in April by removing its backup human drivers.??
Associates Boot Camp?Welcomes New Graduating Class
Congrats to our latest class of rising Associates and mid/senior folks to complete this comprehensive development course and prepare to deliver exceptional client service.
CS Openings?
For anyone #OpentoWork, please check out current openings to join our team!?
? Make sure you hit subscribe to get notifications when the next edition is out.?
That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading!?
Send me any updates you'd like me to include next week at [email protected] or message me on LinkedIn.?