Safe Sport ..........
Hal Tearse, CPWA?
Certified Private Wealth Advisor? at Baird : Author, Mentor and Coach to HNW families using the power of financial planning and 4 decades of experience to help each family achieve their goals, wishes and wants.
The Safe Sport program was created a decade ago to reign in the bad actors around amateur athletics from the USA Olympic programs all the way down to the youngest participants.
It involves Codes of Conduct that are designed to protect athletes/children from poor adult behaviors and to protect them from teammates who bully and lie and cheat to get ahead. Violations result in very stiff sanctions and penalties including potential jail time for serious sexual predators.
I bet you know where this is going...
Perhaps it its time for our country to have a Safe Sport type of system for our political process. Lying, bullying, and slandering opponents seems to be the game plan for both sides of our projected close election. Even the VPs are aggressively lying about their previous experiences and fabricating their accomplishments. This would not be allowed in the sports world so why do we allow it in our political discourse?
And the incredible amount money being spent to perpetrate all of this behavior that we would not tolerate from our children. It is a sad comment on us as a nation and terrible example for the young people in our country.
Hopefully the election will be decisive enough and the loser will have the grace to bow out once the vote counts are finalized. Fingers crossed :)
The photo above is from Vic, Iceland. I took it in September 2024. If you get a chance to visit Iceland I recommend it. More Iceland photos can be found on . All photos are for sale.
PS: Looking back 50 years the average bull market lasts 5 years. We have just started year 3 of the current bull market :) No promises but the wind seems to be at our back at this time. If your portfolio is lagging maybe we can help
Cheers- It will be over in a few weeks, hopefully
Hal Tearse