It is safe to show our emotions
Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach ?
Showing women how to love themselves and their bodies so they can create a life they love ? Love Yourself International Online Coaching Sessions ? Let Go of the Weight Online Course ?Louise Hay ?Mind Body & Spirit
When people feel powerless and want to avoid their own true feelings, their behaviour can be bewildering.
A lot of us are taught from a young age to suppress certain feelings - anger, resentment, fear, guilt and sorrow. When people can't express these emotions, they tend to engage in behaviour that redirects those emotions elsewhere.
Do you know someone who can't say "no" but then continually breaks their promises?
Or a friend who tends to substitute snide praise for a slur to distance themselves from the intense emotions they feel?
When we recognise these patterns in others, it's really important not to be drawn into a struggle for power. This behaviour is shown because these people feel powerless because they can't face their true feelings. They think they are in control because they do not become "emotional". But then they wonder why they have alienated their friends and loved ones.
If someone close to us shows signs of frustration or annoyance but says nothing is wrong, we can, gently, point out that their tone of voice or other behaviour is indicating something very different and ask them to talk about what's going on. When we feel slighted or even insulted by a backhanded compliment (you know those ones!), it is important that we calmly explain how it made us feel and why. And when a colleague or friend continually breaks their promises, we can show them that they can say no if they'd rather say no!
When we see this behaviour in others, we can really become aware of when it's happening in ourselves. We all tend to hide very intense emotions but we can simply remind ourselves that it's safe to express our emotions. In fact, it's healthy to do so.
Emotions that are so called negative will very often be the ones that inspire you to change yourself and your life for the better. Behaviour that tries to hide behind these emotions is a means of avoiding change. When you start to recognise your feelings and express them in a safe way, you can move on from them and have true freedom from them.