Safe Reopening of Schools: Some Ideas to Consider

Safe Reopening of Schools: Some Ideas to Consider

As we begin to contemplate the re-opening of schools after the government ordered closures that took effect late March and early April, the education of the Nigerian child has been at a crossroad. Attendant to this fact are several other unintended consequences some of which are economic and educational in nature.

It becoming more apparent that the fight against covid-19 will be a very long battle and no one is certain when a vaccine or a cure will be found. It is best we begin to readjust our thinking to the reality that this disease may be with us for long. We need to set our minds on how to live with it and prevent or reduce transmission from one person to the other as much as possible.

Over the course of the last few months of our experience with covid-19, some insights regarding the behavior of this disease has been observed. Some of these are the fact that

1.     It is not as deadly as once thought or feared. Over 95% of persons who contract Covid-19 will recover


2.     Majority of the cases in Nigeria has been mild or asyptomatic


3.      Many who have gotten it never became ill or showed any physical symptoms, in other words they were asymptomatic


4.     The vulnerable population, i.e persons with underlying health conditions that has compromised their immunity against diseases, such as diabetics, asthmatics, people leaving with HIV, persons who are severely obese and those with heart related condition, are more likely to suffer devastating impact of the disease if infected


5.     Young and physically fit individuals, even when infected are not likely to manifest severe symptoms, many will not become ill

With this knowledge, it may be safe to advocate a safe and cautious reopening of schools. Some countries in the world, such as China, Denmark, Germany, have welcomed back students to school. South Africa with over 40,000 cases, reopened schools on June 8, United Kingdom reopened schools for some students last week and it may be time Nigeria starts thinking and planning in this direction. However, any such opening will have to with the strict adherence to set guidelines, some of which are discussed below.

1.     Proper and periodic decontamination of entire school facility: This is to ensure that the entire school area is decontaminated. Special attention should be given to toilets, kitchen, classrooms, railings, door handles and gym equipment were available


2.     Vulnerable population to continue isolating: This will be persons with medical conditions that may have compromised their immune system, as well as elderly staff members, where elderly may refer to persons over the age of 65years


3.     Testing: In an ideal situation it is advisable to test every returning staff and student, not just once but periodically to determine their infection status, however, where this is not possible, school management should ensure that everyone is made to adopt the approach that there may be infected persons already in the school, hence, it is important that all behave as though this were the case, adopting behavior and practices that will prevent transmission


4.     Social distancing measures in school: this may imply the decongestion of classes to the effect that there are not more than 10 - 15 students in the class per time. Desks spaced one or more meters apart. This may throw up the need for more space to be made available, which may warrant having students resume at different times during the day or running school hours in shifts. Some group of students could resume at 7.30 – 12.00p.m and another group resume at 1.00pm to 5p.m.


5.     Suspension of Events that Require Large Gatherings: Activities that require gathering of the entire school population in one venue, such morning assemble, social and sports events can be put off for now. As we know large gathering are the easiest path to mass infections.


6.     Provision for Sick students or Staff: Anyone with fever, sore throat, running nose, cough, and similar symptoms associated with the virus are to stay home and not come to school under any circumstances, however, they can continue learning or working from home. Though not all persons with such symptoms may be infected with covid-19, it may be best to err on the side of caution and have them stay at home


7.     Enlightenment Campaigns: As covid-19 requires behavioral changes, such as regular hand washing, physical distancing, mask wearing, contactless greeting and conversations. These manner of conduct may require time for persons to adjust to and put away their old habits. There will always be the tendency to want to revert to the old behavior they have been used to. The new conduct expectations can be promoted and publicized through posters, stickers, teacher education before each class and other means


8.     Virtual Classes and Work From Home Measures: Measures for work and learning from home, that were adopted during the lockdown should not be discontinued upon resumption, rather, they should be used as back up should a student be asked to stay home and unable to be physically attend school. This also applies to staff members who may have to also isolate themselves


9.     Staggered Resumption: Resumption can start with the examination classes such as year 12 and year 9 for higher school, and year 6 for primary. This period can be used to test run the measures to see how they will hold up when the full student body resume


10. Monitoring Committee: Each school can constitute an enforcement committee who will be saddled with the responsibility of educating and ensuring that students and staff observe and abide by the set new regulations.


11. Hand washing: Hand washing should be done often and at specific times during the day. This may require having hand wash sinks in the classroom. Worst case scenario, the plastic container that carries water with a fitted control valve can be used. This will ensure that students don’t have to go to the toilet area to wash their hands, giving them the chance to practice hand washing at various times during the day


12. Sharing of items like pens, pencils and textbooks should be discouraged at this time. Everyone is to ensure they come along with their own materials and a spare, so they don’t have to use those of other colleagues.


13. School Bus: Students may no longer be able to sit in the manner they are use to pre-covid. A maximum of 2 occupants per row, each seating at both extremes as advised by the government. All students are to continue wearing their face masks while in the bus


14. Toilet and Bathrooms: Toilets have been identified as an area of high transmission of diseases and infections even before Covid-19. It is best to ensure toilet are well ventilated so stale air do not remain for long. Abundance of running water for flushing and washing hands is also a necessity. Kitted with appropriate PPE has to on standby to maintain to ensure the toilets remain in a safe and clean condition

15. Marking on floors and common seating area: This is to indicate the arrangement student are to stand or seat in school assemble, dining rooms etc

16. Make Physical Resumption Optional: Some parents may not still be comfortable with having their children and wards resuming. In such cases, the school need to ensure that the classes can still be streamed on the various platforms for the students to participate and not miss out entirely

17. Inspection and approval for Opening: Before schools are given the go to reopen, it is important they are inspected and certified ready to receive students. During this time proper checks should be carried out on measures that have been put in place to prevent transmission. The inspection visit should not be one off but done periodically and unscheduled to see how the schools are coping.

It is the hope that schools examine their peculiar situation to include more measures aimed at protecting their students and staff till the threat of this virus is completely eliminated. It is advisable to thread with caution on the opening and not rush into it. Schools are also advised to upgrade their virtual learning systems in readiness for a situation where they are asked to shut down again due to spike in infections.

These are uncertain times never experience before in the recent history of nation, I pray for wisdom for all involve in planning for the best decision to be made for the interest of all stakeholders.

Jonathan Aigbe

Magdiel Education


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