Is it safe to perform Surya Namaskar during pregnancy?
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Practicing yoga during pregnancy is a terrific way to stay in shape and healthy. Surya Namaskar is a series of yoga asanas that provide an excellent full-body workout. It is advantageous for enhancing blood flow and fortifying different joints and muscles.
As a result, it's a fantastic method to be active while pregnant. We will go over the benefits of Surya Namaskar during pregnancy as well as the precautions you need to take in this section.
You can perform Surya Namaskar comfortably while pregnant, the answer is yes. It is the best kind of exercise because it works all of your body's muscles. It benefits not just your physical health but also your mental health.
It is possible to begin Surya Namaskar in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, before performing Surya Namaskar while pregnant, please speak with your physician.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar
1. Provides You With Energy
You may experience significant fatigue and exhaustion during pregnancy since your body is going through several changes. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar might help you replenish your energy.
2. Promotes Better Adaptation
Your body experiences several physical and psychological changes throughout pregnancy. By doing this, you can help your body adjust to the many changes that come with pregnancy more easily.
3. Improves managing Mood Changes
You can experience a range of mood swings during the day. You may have happiness one minute and unpleasant circumstances the next. This is a very common pregnancy symptom. On the other hand, you can control your mood
4. Helps in Reducing Morning Illness
The majority of pregnant women experience morning sickness; practicing this frequently may help you avoid morning sickness.
5. Better Oxygen Flow to the Growing Foetus
Surya Namaskara's breathing requires taking deep breaths in and out. By increasing the amount of oxygen in your body, this breathing technique also enhances the oxygen supply to the developing fetus.
6. Helpful During Childbirth
Regularly engaging in this during pregnancy also seems to be quite helpful during labor. Your labor discomfort may significantly lessen if you have been practicing it consistently throughout your entire pregnancy.
7. Good for leg cramps and backaches
The back muscles and spine can be strengthened with great benefit by Surya Namaskar. Leg cramps and back pain are common throughout pregnancy. But if you do it every day, you can lower your risk of experiencing leg cramps and backaches while pregnant.
8. Beneficial for Controlling Hypertension
Regularly performing these activities lowers your risk of developing hypertension, which can cause major difficulties during pregnancy.
9. Preserve a Healthful Pregnancy Regularly
Performing Surya Namaskar can help guarantee a healthy weight gain throughout pregnancy, which will reduce your weight gain issues.
Have you practiced Surya Namaskar during pregnancy, and how has it influenced your well-being?
Warm Regards,
My Shishu
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