The Safe Path is Not Safe (E40)
Patti Bryant
? Helping Anxious Strivers shift into Powerful Life Creators through The Powerful Creator Effect
Most of us believe that taking the safe path in life is the best way to ensure happiness and security. But what if I told you that the so-called 'safe path' is actually keeping you from true fulfillment?
We've all been taught to follow a certain blueprint for life—graduate high school, go to college, get a stable job, get married, buy a house, have children. It’s the ‘normal’ path, and it’s what society expects of us. It feels safe, secure, and predictable.
For years, I followed this path myself. I did some of these things, but always felt something was missing. The pressure to be ‘normal’ was overwhelming, and it didn’t just come from society—it came from within. I constantly questioned myself, “Why can’t you just be like everyone else? You’re so ungrateful!”
Then, I wanted to start my own consulting business. Self-doubt and limiting beliefs plagued me. “How will you pay the bills? What if you don't succeed? What if you suck and end up homeless?” These thoughts kept me trapped in the so-called ‘safe’ path.
But let's think about it for a moment. If the safe path was truly the best way to ensure happiness and security, then everyone who took the safe path would be happy, right? Well, we all know that's not the case. There are countless people who followed the safe path and are still unhappy and unfulfilled.
And let’s be real—staying on this safe path was slowly killing my spirit. I was miserable, unfulfilled, and stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and fear. The ‘safe path’ wasn’t safe at all; it was a prison.
One day, I decided to let go of all that fear and just jump. I thought, “What if you let all that go and just jump? Won't you always wonder?” The answer was yes. I would always wonder. So, I took the leap, and guess what? It worked out.
So let me ask you: Is there another path you’d like to try? Do you want to continue feeling stuck and unfulfilled on the ‘safe path,’ or are you curious about exploring a life that truly excites and fulfills you?
Share Your Thoughts
What is one 'safe' choice you’ve made that you now realize may be holding you back from true happiness? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Do you need some support along the way? You're in the right place! [Resources below!]
?? FREE "HOW TO GET UNSTUCK" MASTERCLASS: Find out why you may be feeling stuck and how to move forward ??
?? FREE QUIZ "YOUR STUCK STYLE": Take this 2-minute quiz to gain insight into where you are and how you can move forward. ??
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Instagram: @pattibryantofficial