Safe-Keeping My LI 'About'?? ~vPersonal :)

Safe-Keeping My LI 'About'? ~vPersonal :)

In Character, in Manner, in Style, in All things, the Supreme Excellence is Simplicity ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Gone is that day in 2019 when, feeling like an amateur LinkedIn 'writer' :) I was completing my 2nd article ever in LinkedIn. The name: 'Safe-Keeping My Profile?' with the noble intention of 'archiving' my first profile ever in LinkedIn in the form of an article to give room for change, even though it had been working well for me and the only reason I can think of is because I am and I was myself then and I did Not change, even when updating the content: I was expresing myself as I am now by writing about me honestly and humbly, always wanting to do the very best not as to 'introduce myself' but actually Expressing Myself as I Feel.

Same as with My article of 2019 * of the same nature as this one and with the only intention here of safe-keeping the content of my current profile. Not coming up with better titles than the ones that express the truth of what I am doing, as I am intent on updating it and planning to do this asap, not only for it to be more 'marketeable' but to make me more approachable perhaps?, easier to contact & reach out to, as I have been exploring to expand into new, uncharted arenas within my coaching and beyond: even though by choice -noOne is 'making' me do it, Not something I had wanted to do though if I don't, I feel that I am doing a dis-service to the people who need it the most.

Excellence is the Gradual Result of Always Striving to Do Better ~Pat Riley.

I cannot but always Respect & Remember my Simple but Honest Profiles, Summaries -now the 'About' section- & Personal Information I have been providing from the beginning that, for over one year since 2018 I had been keeping Un-changed & made me so Fortunate as to build a network of over Seven Thousand PROfessional connections by 2019, all of whom I Personally chose as I do now and gracefully been communicating with them one-by-one be it my peers, my clients and whether being Invited and vice-versa -and I remember that in My 2019 Article* I made a point on the former and the latter and wrote that I do so 'never for financial gain' but only to build great professional relationships beneficial for everybody, wanting to give and serve to the best of my abilities, however: was the wanting to Give and Serve to the best of my abilities to Not talk about My Offerings in my messaging or my about section? what would I be doing wrong when talking about my offerings by speaking my client's language? so that the PROfessionals I can truly Serve can find me in LinkedIn? and this is where I feel I was going wrong.

Even up until now I feel that the reason is that I have always 'volunteered' to show up in the wrong way and the wrong way in a PROfessional network such as LinkedIn is to Not talk, Not to ask my amaZZZing connections about their businesses, their PROfession, their career, their lives ... to my despairing naivity! hence I have been unwillingly -and Arrongantly perhaps- 'wanting' to come accross as self-sufficient, maybe? so that people would 'read' me when I wasn't clear about my offerings, that they would 'hire' me when -completely in opposition to the real truth- I didn't 'seem to show' any interest in their businesses and even their lives when communicating with them e.g. through messaging; feeling that if I did so they would think I am being salessly, trust me with hardly any personal interaction or when they don't see me publicly and making myself Invisible ... not only to my detriment but to the detriment of the people I can Serve and desperately need my services ... does this make sense? because sadly I feel this 'being the case in my case' :( and I would like to change it.

My Intention is always To Serve Greately withOUT expecting ~LVitin.

Who else here, despite having the skills and a good profile in LinkedIn are Not leveraging and monetizing this PROfessional network that is LinkedIn? and what is wrong with Leverage? what is wrong with fully utilizing LinkedIn as an Income Producing platform, as a platform to generate more connections hence leads hence prospects hence potential clients hence Referrals hence Great Relationships hence ... the world is Our Oyster?

... and everybody WINS.

Some PROfessionals will join in a short period of time, some others will need Nurturing, some will need more Reassurances, some will Never join, for some is Not the right time, for others there will Never be a 'right' time, others will be joining when it suits them or will Never join and that is totally fine: either way, My Goal is To Always Serve Greately withOUT expecting and that is when the Magic goes on; but how did I ensure my clients knew this? the problem, I feel, has been my messaging and my avoidance to deal with the essence of what LinkedIn is about.

What is important is that the World knows about you and your magic: I am aware of how important it is the creation of a good 'about' section that 'attracts' leads - prospects - potential customers and like many others who have heard this before, I never felt this resonated with me -even though this is one of the areas I work on successfully with my clients but for me was different? and I feel that the reason has been that this 'feeling' lies in the 'marketing' words such as 'leads, prospects ... ' etc: most people don't like this terminology, greately overrated. How much time we waste un-choosing and making our own, naive choices? as the say goes: if it works, why change it? and as the say from Nike: 'DO IT!'

If It Works, Why Change It?

Priding myself to have been Very Selective in my Process as to me, it is never about quantity but QUALITY, as this is my M.O. -not forgetting my striving for Excellence in everything I do and I encourage others to do as well, wanting to Thank all of my PROfessional connections for your Kindness, Support, Graciousness, Most Respectful ways and to let You know that You Matter a Great Deal To Me, it being the Honest Truth that I wake up everyday Overflowing with Energy to Serve, Serve and then ... Serve some more!

Don't try to tell the customer what he wants: if you want to be smart, be smart in the shower: then get out, go to work, and SERVE the customer! ~Gene Buckley.

You may remember from my initial profile My 'Overflowing with energy to Serve My Clients' as in My First Ever Profile <3

Elle Vitin
Overflowing With Energy To Serve My Clients ~ Only By Invitation Or Referral.
YOURSuccess = My Success
London, Greater London, United Kingdom

This 'overflowing' as I call it, had me a bit worried at times, leading me to think it may be something else health related but ... No! as the diagnosis seems to be that I am sick for Serving! this is how I wake up every morning: overflowing with energy, striving & working to make things better, people better, better contribution, better world: when in the legal arena I used to say, frustrated: 'we cannot change the world, we can only do one bit at the time' then one day I woke up & said: 'We can change the world' because We Can, We Did, We Do & We Will; because Nothing is stopping us ... Nothing! and if we don't do it, who will?'

Be The Change You Want To See In The World ~Gandhi.


In order to Change the World, you have to Get your Head Together First
~Jimi Hendrix.

As I don't know any better way to safe-keep and safeguard my profiles, and as we have a word limit to abide by in our ProfileS, I have decided to save my latest 'About' section again, hence I am copying & pasting All in this space as follows ...

Here I come, pasting here my current LinkedIn Profile with the -former soon to be 'About' Section ~Previously 'Summary', as of 12th January, 2023 ...

2021 To Date PROFILE ...
Elle Vitin

Elle Vitin

"The Best Way To Predict Your Future & Your Business' Is To Coach-Create It" ~LVitin? | Your Success IS My Success, TEAMingUp To GOAL Completion & RESULTS ~ Only By Invitation & Referral ~ SERVING You = My Privilege

Talks about #clientsuccess, #successdriven, #businesscoaching, #businessownerslife, and #businessgrowthstrategies

London, England, United Kingdom ~ Contact info

Checking New Coaching Platform


???500+ connections

'ABOUT' Section
~Previously 'Summary' Section ...


I bring to my Coaching a strong background based in att. to detail, organizing, action planning, teamS.

Experiencing a smooth transition into this forward-moving business, allowing my niche to find me ~SC's.

Everyone with whom iHave the Privilege of meeting or talking personally 121, knows well that iLike to talk about my Passion, in the field that has been defined -and iTotally agree- as the 'Revelation Industry' & works like this:

I meet 121 or virtually with You as My Client, We Talk and ... Breakthroughs Happen ~LVitin.

Actually it will be YOU, same as it is My Clients who are the ones who Create their own Success & solutions, honouring me with much of the credit when all the Merit'll be Yours!

Most Serious for me: when Entrusted with your dreams & wantS, to guide & accompany you in the Fabulous journey to Goal Completion & Success.

An Expert Communicator, working alongside Reputable Names & Institutions as My Partners and Mentors.

Very Important about me is that I Genuinely Care for your Success & Happiness.

I am a Fearless Ninja with the Gift of being able to EmPOWER My Peeps in All Circumstances.

I am a Passionate Advocate for our Elderly and the Most Vulnerable in Society ~LVitin.

I am a Passionate Advocate for the Elderly & Vulnerable, Contributing and Working alongside Local Governments and Organisations in the UK, where iLive at present, as ... I am a Spanish Gaaal in London -like Sting in NY :)

I've just sold my websites & only kept my Very Personal ones: wrong decision? perhaps but it's done, iMove on & start again.

I Love My DearEST Parents
& make NO apology ... <3

I Love My DearEST Parents & make NO apology: it also shows in my personal sites, where:

If You want to know us better, follow My Links, where you can access not only the English but the Spanish one as well.

Looking forward to Being of Service to You in the Very Near Future and/or to Hearing from You and how we can make Your world Much Better, 2GETHER.

Please remember that Serving You and Your Business will be My Privilege: simply send me LinkedIn msg. with the first line: "SERVING" and mobile No.



LVitin WC Business Performance Coach - Master Life Coach - Expert Communicator - April 2016 - Present ~ Greater London, United Kingdom

Elle Vitin @Your Service. #LVitin

I hope you could find value in this very personal article, wishing that you are Safe and stay Safe: you are so worth it.

I would be doing you a dis-service if I was Not making you aware of my offerings and I would like to offer you a completely FREE Breakthrough Session in the area of your life where You feel You need it the Most: it is a fact that once one area of your life improves, everything else starts falling into place and gets better by definition: send me a message quoting: 'Breakthrough'


* Safe-Keeping My Profile?


