Safe Isolation of Passing Valves: The Valvetight DBB-SAVER Solution

Safe Isolation of Passing Valves: The Valvetight DBB-SAVER Solution

The DBB-SAVER's working principle ensures the impossibility of leakage into the safe working area. It operates by establishing, maintaining, and monitoring a vacuum in the bleed section within a classical Double Block & Bleed configuration. Moreover, this technology is adaptable for deployment in most Single Valve Isolations, creating a vacuum lock that makes any leakage from the pressurized side to the safe work area physically impossible. Whether between both block valves in a classical DB&B configuration, both seats in a single valve body (e.g., ball, plug, or gate valves), or any combination of isolating devices, the DBB-SAVER guarantees a secure working environment. The vacuum lock is automatically created, maintained, and monitored, offering a fail-safe solution in various valve configurations.


When safeguarding areas through isolation with valves, the choice between single or DB&B valve configurations is determined by specific conditions. In cases where a safe work area is established using blind flanges, the success of installation and removal relies on the integrity of tight valves. However, when valves begin to leak, and traditional repair methods involve prolonged downtime, several options are available:

  1. Inject Grease:

Poses risks as leakage may suddenly reappear without notice.

Damages valves further due to dirt sticking to greased sealing surfaces.

2. Isolation Barrier & Depressurization:

Involves implementing an isolation barrier and depressurizing further upstream, leading to a more extensive outage.

3. Postpone the Work:

Delays the maintenance work, resulting in potential operational disruptions and increased costs.

4. Accept the Leakage:

Continues with the planned work despite the leakage.

Additional measures or supervision may be required to minimize the increased risk associated with the ongoing leakage.

5. Inject Sealants:

Reserved for emergency situations, with the drawback of rendering valves unfit for future operation in some cases.


  1. Operational Continuity:

  • The remaining plant stays operational, allowing uninterrupted workflow as planned.
  • Eliminates the risk of delays caused by leaking valves.

2. Maintenance Efficiency:

  • No need for greasing, ensuring no risk of sudden gas blow-through.
  • Valve remains fit for purpose without the requirement for sealants.
  • No dependency on last line of defense personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Minimal venting of Greenhouse Gases as no additional boundary isolations are necessary.

3. Safety Enhancement:

  • Provides added Layers of Protection, ensuring a 100% guaranteed stop of any leakage through the single or DBB isolation valve(s).
  • Enables online monitoring of the bleed connection, relaying alarms to the central control room and/or the safe work area.

Reduces the potential for human failure to a minimum.

4. Cost Savings:

  • Allows the remaining plant to stay in production, ensuring high plant availability.
  • Facilitates the execution of maintenance work according to plan without any delays, resulting in significant cost savings.
  • Eliminates the necessity for expensive valve repairs or extensive spare inventory, contributing to overall cost efficiency.

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