Safe-ism to State-ism
A year ago, I posted a paper on Safety First on this platform (LinkedIn).?Comments were few as I believe folks are afraid to speak up on things that may run counter to a popular narrative…especially when it comes to our careers or social standing.?No one wants to be linked to something that might be controversial even though there may be an element of truth to it.?This past year has shown us that “mob rule” is taking over silencing the opinions that we may hold regarding COVID or just about any social, political, or faith related issue for that matter. ?We all want to be safe and for our families and friends to be safe.?However, Safe-ism is transitioning us to State-ism. ?When we look back at history, the thought of where State-ism can intentionally or inadvertently lead is frightening.?We need to be able to freely discuss issues or question things when things just don’t seem right.
2021 Recap
2021 has been a year of transition (eg. new leadership in our governments, censorship is on the rise, a prevention solution to COVID was released, and other power plays have evolved).?The transition of leadership has led to a new narrative here in the US. ?Opinions change 180 degrees depending on who is in charge, who’s idea it was, or who might be implementing something controversial.?Politics weaves its way into everything unfortunately and flip flopping on positions only serves as to confuse the populace.?Now it has inserted itself into something that we have long held as private between us and our doctor….our healthcare.
The vaccines that were made possible by Operation Warp Speed, and an expedited FDA approval process made the vaccines available as a preventative against contracting the feared coronavirus.?The push was on to manufacture the vaccine as fast as possible making it available to those most vulnerable first.?As time went on, more and more folks became “eligible” to receive the vaccine.?It was an answer to many prayers.?Or was it??The evolution of the vaccine solution has been both amazing and scary to watch.?One thing is for sure, power absolutely corrupts.?
I don’t know when it occurred, but something changed along the way in 2021.?Some folks that came down with COVID since the beginning of the pandemic looked to alternatives for treatment having been infected prior to receiving “the jab”.?The vaccine has since been deemed the ONLY solution to COVID.?Huh??What about those that were or are in hospitals fighting for their lives??An after the fact injection of a vaccine will not help them.?That’s medicine 101.?“The Science” has become politicized for some unknown reason.?A “one size fits all” solution has been decreed and mandates from “the state” started to appear in countries around the world.?Vaccinations have been dispensed throughout 2021 eventually open to everyone who chose to get them here in the US.?The lockdown tool from 2020 was relaxed, however, other tools developed to increase desired vaccination rates to all as well as preventing transmission of variants.?Compliance is the goal as stated by politicians.?Really??It may not be the right answer for everyone.?Meanwhile, in other countries, not everyone has necessarily had access to the vaccines yet.?
In the fall, President Biden decreed by executive order that OSHA would enforce vaccinations for employees of companies with more than 100 employees.?That sure seemed like an odd order to only force those that are employed by big companies to get the jab.?Or, was it strategic knowing that if it was a decree for all, there might be a backlash??Meanwhile, immigrants entering the country along the southern border illegally are not required to have the jab, and they are transported throughout the nation.?Something has gone awry.?Is this really about healthcare anymore or is it possibly all about something else??Some companies have chosen to fight back against the mandate for the rights of their employees.?Amen to that.?Others have chosen to issue their own mandates to get the jab.?Some state or local governments have instituted mandates and proof of vaccination to be able to enter/use public and/or private establishments or services.?Others have chosen to sue the federal government resisting the mandates.?Supply chain issues have appeared caused by shortages in staffing in many business sectors.?The healthcare system is strained as well for the very same reason.?Does it make sense to fire individuals creating a further shortage of healthcare workers? The system is in chaos and continues to crumble due to really poor leadership and planning.
Things have been getting even crazier in other countries.?Canada arrests pastors for holding church services outside or in buildings violating the decreed nonsensical absolute limits for gathering regardless of building size.?Australia has built internment camps and is incarcerating individuals that may have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID for mandatory quarantines.?If there is resistance, severe financial penalties are imposed.?This may be coming to the US soon as well. ?Austria went into complete lockdown for the unvaccinated only to be temporarily reprieved for the holidays…when families/friends gather together to celebrate.?Consistent message here??Does any of this make sense??Is healthcare really the driving force behind all this?
Several variants of COVID arose in 2021.?Each time, the media and governing officials spread fear of the unknown before getting a full understanding of the developments.?Many folks have reacted to the fear messaging instead of using critical thinking skills.?Educated people panic at the release of any news regarding COVID.?Why is that??My theory behind that comes from a spiritual perspective.?Those that are afraid to die not knowing what happens after they die, seem to be the most panicked.?In case folks haven’t figured it out yet, we’re all going to die one day.?Turn to God for the answer of what’s next.?He is our strength and ever present help in times of trouble.?He provided us with a rescue plan for after we die.
The vaccines themselves have proven to lessen the impact of the virus.?However, they have not shown themselves to prevent transmission nor contracting the virus.?Look up the USS Milwaukee as an example (100% vaccination rate on board, and yet there’s an outbreak on the ship).?Further, long term effects have yet to be studied/understood…especially in children.?Our health officials have focused solely on the vaccines as being the only solution instead of messaging about the causes of severe reactions and death.?Some people have chosen to do something about their overall health especially strengthening their immune system, losing weight, and getting certain co-morbidities under control.?Many have done absolutely nothing other than to hit the “Easy Button” taking the vaccine.?Side effects of the vaccines are varied.?For some, the risks just are not worth it to take the jab that was approved in an expeditious manner without any long-term impact analysis.?Natural immunity for those that have already had the virus seems to be providing protection that is as good as, if not better than, the short-lived vaccines that need to be boosted time and time again.?I am by no means an expert on this, but there are lots of virology experts out there speaking out on this that are being silenced.
So, what is NOT happening??The FDA does not appear to be studying existing treatment options for those that still get COVID and develop adverse reactions.?There’s a lot of evidence that treatments like Ivermectin successfully mitigates the body’s overreaction to the virus that frequently leads to the need to be on ventilators or even death.?Doctors that prescribe it for use are shunned and not allowed to practice medicine in the hospitals in which they work anymore even though the treatment has worked in many patients.?Ivermectin is a drug which the inventors received the Nobel Prize for in controlling parasites in animals and humans.?Pfizer has developed a new pill that could possibly be used to treat COVID once infected.?The FDA is currently reviewing that application.?No word yet on the need for nor interaction with their vaccine nor those from other pharmaceutical companies.?How much the potential life saving pills will cost relative to the cheaper solutions already available will be interesting.?Always follow the money and who stands to gain.?History with other drugs like Vioxx tell a sordid tale.?Other things that are NOT happening include amping up the messaging on things that we all can do to reduce our risks for damage done by COVID that also would better our overall health.?How many of us have ignored our doctor’s advice on diet and exercise??I did for years, but COVID inspired me to do something about it with biking.?One last thing that is NOT happening is holding those accountable that brought this scourge on the world.?What possible good could come from studying gain of function in viruses??This is a path that Senator Rand Paul has been trying to explore with Dr Fauci.?
A narrative seems to be controlling all messaging and decision making by our elected leaders.?There are lots of conspiracy theories on who is driving the narrative.?Hopefully, the truth will fully come out soon.?The tools of the narrative include:
·???????Fear.?Enough already said.
·???????Big tech / social media is using our private data to provoke people groups against other people groups as it tends to generate lots of advertising revenue.?This is a very dangerous path.?We’ve seen it employed with elections, social justice cries, woke ideologies, and now with healthcare.?It is reminiscent of Nazi “Brownshirt” tactics……convince the general public do the dirty work that you as a governing authority cannot do…..just yet.?The unvaccinated are labeled selfish and are slowly being removed from participating in society even though the vaccinated are also still contracting the virus.?Many think that the “Cancel Culture” phenomenon does not exist.?Think again.?We are returning to the segregation days of old.?It’s sad.?
·???????Censorship is rampant.?It’s funny how when one party is in office, “fake news” is dismissed by many.?When the other party takes over, “misinformation” is immediately taken down by computer algorithms looking for key words or phrases written by computer techies instead of using input from unbiased scientists or doctors that have seen alternate actual results.?Published scientific papers/journals are being removed eliminating scientific debate.?That’s not science.?That’s bias which goes against all scientific practices and philosophies.?As Aaron Rodgers (QB for the Green Bay Packers) recently said, “If science can’t be questioned, it’s not science”.?The exchange of ideas just does not appear to be allowed anymore.
So, who is right and who is wrong??When the argument of “my body my choice” is used in one scenario but not allowed in another, the inconsistency should make one ask questions.???
2022 is a New Year
Lots has been happening in just the first couple of weeks of this new year.?Politicians, CDC leadership, and others are backtracking on things they previously believed to be true.?Censorship continues.?Any videos of the Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone discussing Mass Formation Psychosis have quickly been taken down by Youtube and Twitter.?The US Supreme Court is analyzing the Biden vaccination mandate.?Race based treatment has been decreed in some states.?What??This and a whole lot more is happening.?Things continue to still just not make a bit of sense.?When I see the stubbornness of our leaders, I am reminded of how Pharaoh brought a lot of pain and suffering on his own people due to his hard hearted reluctance to release the Israelites from slavery.
Where does all this lead? It is my belief that based on history, mandates can lead to multiple negative possible new mandates and outcomes.?Remember the quote, “never waste a crisis”.?Vaccine cards/passports are being employed in some countries.?There have been many cases of falsified vaccination documentation on the black market and even in the NFL here in the US.?The technology exists now in Sweden to inject a computer chip that would securely document one’s vaccination status into a person’s hand eliminating the counterfeiting concerns perhaps.?To those that think this is a great idea, I just say, read up on Biblical prophecy.???
Where humanity goes from here depends on all of us and our choices.?God designed us with a purpose.?God designed us to think.?We do not want artificial intelligence making decisions for us.?Safety and security have become our idol.?We are giving up our freedoms for the government to take care of us.?Life is about relationships with each other and with our creator God.?Relationships and problem solving rely on conversations.?The exchange of ideas and debate have led to thoroughly vetted solutions to problems in the past and the strengthening of relationships.?Big data may be getting in the way.?Transparency should allow any/all of us to speak up without fear of being “cancelled” or worse…..thrown into prison.?Do not, however, slander anyone or incite violence as that does not help any situation.?
This article is based on my observations from my own research and beliefs. ?I can’t make sense of the things I see happening.?I’d highly suggest that everyone starts doing a lot more research of their own if you haven’t already.?Use critical thinking instead of just accepting what may being fed to us thru the media. ?Skepticism is ok.?It would be great to have some open dialogue and exchange what each of us discovers.?Look for sources outside of the mainstream US “news” / propaganda outlets.?It takes curious diligence.?And I know many might find it hard to believe, but the Bible does have answers that apply to today’s struggles.?Pray and get involved in your community.
When everyone is required to get a 10th booster shot and continue wearing masks, perhaps folks might actually start asking questions.?But, by then, it may be too late.?
Retired Professional Hotel Consultant
3 年Ross I totally agree with your paper. Well stated and courageous of you to post. Joe P
Project / Turnaround Manager @ ExxonMobil
3 年My favorite line from your passage? Follow the money and those who stand to gain. Moderna was worth 10B in march of 2020 and is currently worth 100B after peaking at 200B in August last year. I wonder who might have invested… Surely not the elected officials that are writing the policy and attempting to mandate vaccination. History is littered with revisionist interpretation/ slanting of the narrative. I wonder how history books would portray Washington, Jefferson and Franklin had the American Revolution been lost to the monarchy?
Always Learning | Engineering Supervisor
3 年Next is fake news. Let 2022 be a year to let people again decide for themselves what to share and read. We all know by now that fact checkers are political, not objective. Let people do their own fact checking And finally of course religion and the sanctity of the human body and individual decision making. Yes, vaccines are proven to be beneficial to people in many cases, but governments should not take away free choice by individual, especially PARENTS. In Belgium they lure young kids to zoos to get vaccinated and watch the monkeys for free. But kids don't get very sick from covid. I don't understand why risk the side effects for them. Every medical procedure no matter how small should be outcome of a risk assessment both ways, hopefully as objectively as possible with access to relevant data
Always Learning | Engineering Supervisor
3 年Ross W. , thanks for sharing your insights. Indeed a lot of take-aways as we step into 2022, and a lot of lessons which urgently need to be re-learned 1. As you say very well, the fear of consequences of speaking out trumps the message. Never give up your ideals just to be liked by others (of course this doesn't mean we can't respect others positions and ideals too) 2. Science is not fixed. It grows from debate and evaluating new information continuously. Engineering is called an applied science because we need to consider real life factors that may differ from lab situations so we can 'make the science work'. Words such as 'trust the science' are in fact dangerous and often spoken to quench debate and hereby kill the spirit of science 3. Killing the spirit of science couldn't be better done than by quenching the voices of all the prominent members of the scientific community that you mentioned. Doctors take a Hippocratic oath to always put the patient first. Their licences should not be threatened or revoked just by upholding that oath. Many good practitioners leave or are afraid to speak up. I have a large network of both family and friends in the medical establishment and do rely on many first-hand accounts here