Safe Driving Practices in Mountainous Conditions
Harry L Kiimball CDS CDT

Safe Driving Practices in Mountainous Conditions

Driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle in mountainous areas can test the expertise and nerves of any professional driver. Steep uphill and downhill grades combined with hair pin turns and limited vision will certainly keep even the most experienced driver at the edge of his/her seat.

Inclement weather such as rain, ice or snow also compounds the dangers faced when traversing mountainous terrain. The following safe driving practices can assist you in increasing your awareness thus providing you with safer travels.

On upgrades gravity will slow your vehicle down. The steeper the grade, the longer the grade in combination with the weight of your vehicle will result in your need to use lower gears to climb the hills or mountains. Downgrades are just the opposite and gravity will result in increasing the speed of your vehicle. You will need to select an appropriate speed and then utilize a lower gear while using proper braking techniques.

It is imperative to select a speed that is not too fast for the:

a.   Total weight of the vehicle and load

b.   Length of the grade

c.    Steepness of the grade

d.   Road Conditions

e.   Weather

If a speed limit is posted, or a sign indicating a “Maximum Safe Speed.” Then never exceed the speed shown. Also, pay close attention to signs reflecting the length and steepness of a grade.

Proper braking can be the difference in a safe journey or a catastrophic accident. It is important the regulate you speed whereby your breaks can hold you back without getting to hot. If your brakes become too hot, they could very well start to fade until you are unable to stop at all. Overheated brakes can also result in a fire if they ignite grease or the tires on the vehicle.

Your proper gear selection in a downgrade is also imperative to a successful and safe trip. Shift the transmission into a low gear before starting down the grade. Do not attempt to downshift after your speed has built up. You will not be able to shift into a lower gear. You may in fact not be able to get back into any gear and all engine braking effect will be lost. In conjunction with proper braking techniques your proper gear selection can help reduce any accidents that could occur.

Many steep mountain grades include escape ramps constructed to stop runaway vehicles safely without injury. Escape ramps are long beds of loose soft material, in combination with a constructed upgrade. Make it a point to know the locations of such Escape ramps before beginning your trip.

Keeping an eye out for Hazards is also an important part of a successful trip. A hazard can be defined as a hazard in any road condition or other road user that is a possible danger. Recognizing and addressing hazards better enables you to be prepared to confront these instances.

Defensive Driving such as speed control, lane control and proper planning can insure your successful trip through mountainous regions.


