A safe, birdless airport? It’s possible!
Nowadays, aviation is one of the safest mode of transport, as over the past decades, experts have improved aircrafts and systems that guarantee safety. However, there are some external factors that they have little or no control over. For example, they are powerless against extreme weather conditions while they have to fight a never-ending battle against birds.
During take-off and landing birds are a major threat even for large airplanes because even a pigeon-sized bird can cause enormous damages. A strike between a larger bird and an airplane can even lead to a crash.
Airports must ensure that birdless airspace is provided in the vicinity of the airport to guarantee the safety of flights.
How can an airport be made birdless?
To avoid bird strikes, several international organizations, such as the IBSC (International Bird Strike Committee), the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) have recommendations for airports on how to prevent such accidents. Several precautions, methods and tools are proposed to keep birds out of the airspace. One such proposal is to hide open water surfaces at the airport, as they are a magnet for birds. They believe that the best way is to use Bird Balls, as it is cheap, requires a one-time investment, its’ life expectancy lasts for, is quick and easy to install, requires no maintenance and cannot be damaged by extreme weather conditions.
Bird Ball can be used to cover fire water tanks, rainwater tanks, basins of wastewater treatments, in fact any liquid that may be attractive to birds.?
Birds don’t like to play with balls!
By camouflaging water surfaces around airports the number of birds who like the wet habitat can drastically be reduced as they do not have access to water. This considerably reduces the probability of bird strikes and could put an end to the battle. It is also not negligible that the use of balls is particularly effective against bigger birds, such as ducks, geese, herons. This is extremely advantageous as these birds can cause much bigger damage to the aircraft than smaller birds.
No more lost battles against birds with the use of outdoor cover balls.?
What are the other benefits of using cover balls??
Beside camouflaging, it helps to preserve water quality in fire water tanks by reducing the amount of sunlight entering the water, and creating an unfavourable habitat for algae and aquatic plants by significantly worstening the conditions reproduction, also reducing evaporation by 90%, so that the tanks need to be refilled less often to keep the required water level. In case of fire, water can be easily accessed whilst the balls do not block the use of water. In case of rainwater tanks, the big advantage is that the balls follow the movement of the liquid level, so in periods of low rainfall, they are at the bottom of the empty pool, and when the rainfall arrives, they again perform their function by floating on the top of the water.?
Why Bird Ball? is the best solution to reduce the risk of bird strikes?
Bird Ball is a key element of airports’ bird protection, as by camouflaging the open water surface, the lure of the water is terminated, making the airport less attractive to birds. As a result, far less birds can be deterred towards flight safety compared to other methods, such as lasers, loudspeakers, LED lights, sonic cannons, predatory birds, scarecrows. Thus, cover balls themselves do not guarantee 100% safety, but combining with other solutions listed above, it is a very effective way to prevent bird strikes.
It is important to note that the cover balls are an environmentally friendly solution compared to other bird protection methods, as it does not cause any damage or injury to birds. They will simply land and settle elsewhere, where they can live in normal and natural conditions and they are not threatened at every moment by the increasing air traffic.
Bird Ball is the perfect solution for everyone.