Sad Truths about LIFE
- Given a choice between common sense and instinct, instinct is right 90% of the time.
- Most people marry someone for their beauty, but they have no idea what they’re getting into until what’s lying under the hood begins to manifest.
- You don’t really know who people are until you make them ‘lose their cool’.
- You are constantly creating the kind of life you want to live tomorrow by the way you are programming your brain today.
- When you stay in one place for far too long, one day there will be a tornado far too strong for your house to remain standing.
- Many people die too soon not because their appointed time has arrived, but because they lived more dangerously than the speed of life.
- You do not begin to trust anyone before anyone begins to earn your trust.
- Whenever people throw all caution to the wind, people always get hurt. Such is the game of life, because they play with something that doesn’t know how to play, and dance with something that doesn’t know how to dance.
- If you can rape someone who is dying to give you what you want willingly without any coercion or force, then you’re obviously very, very sick and the only therapy you need is the electric chair.
- There’s nothing as unfortunate, weird and absurd as fighting to win the heart of someone who has already rejected you.
- There’s nothing as disheartening and unfortunate as watching the same people fall into the same pit many times as they fell into before.
- Just like you don’t know the value of what you’re getting until you’ve tried it, you don’t know the value of a thing until you’ve lost it.
- Actually, most people are mentally sick. They just don’t know the extent to which they’re sick.
- Isn’t it ironic, that, people wake up every day, go about their daily activities like robots, follow the same routines and patterns, and then, expect the outcome to be different?
- The main reason why relationships fail and die is because one person falls in love head-over-heels while the other person is just a bystander.
- Don’t love anyone with every cell of your being. Reserve the cells for yourself. Why sacrifice your life for someone who cannot do the same for you?
- It is difficult if not impossible to indefinitely confine or hold-up someone with a f*ck?d up brain without your own brain going bonkers.
- No matter how hard you try, or how hard you work, how much effort you put, how many people love you, or how much progress you make, or how much wealth you amass, you will still leave more than 90% of the work undone when you die.
- It is better to be happy and grateful for the little you have now, than to be sad and sorrowful for the rest of your life about the numerous possessions you don’t have.
- No matter how much wealth you accumulate, there will always be more than enough people to consume it.
- The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, and the most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do.
- SAD Truths