The Sad & Shameful Demise of TRUE Sales Leadership
Does the role of a 'TRUE' Sales Leader still exist in business today, or has the role of a 'Leading a Sales Team' been replaced with endless, time-consuming administrative duties, HR tasks and the collation of statistics? (most of which don't measure for true elite sales performance but more on that later)
Worryingly, the more I speak with Business Owners, Sales Directors and Sales managers what I perceive as the Role of a Sales Leader doesn't seem to fit the reality.
What used to be the coveted role of Training, Developing, Coaching and Mentoring salespeople now appears to be nothing more than preparing endless stats, performance managing underperformers, dealing with holiday requests and interviewing candidates that have failed elsewhere!
Surely, all of these tasks can, should and are better suited to others within the business?
By having to do these tasks, it is literally preventing any Sales Leader from developing and working on individual skill sets, creating and sustaining team motivation and massively increasing the overall performance of the Sales Department.
The issue is further compounded by Sales Leaders having to witness all the other department Heads going off and attending their 'Career Progression' and 'Keeping Up to Date' training courses and events.
You must have noticed:
- Finance Directors/Managers are put on numerous courses to keep up to date with the latest tax laws and accounting software.
- IT Directors/Managers attend endless amounts of seminars, webinars and training courses promoting the latest cyber attack software or router technology.
- HR Directors/Operations Directors/General Managers are no different.
Walk around any hotel conference facility, and I pretty much guarantee there will be an HR or Health & Safety Accreditation event going on somewhere, however, try and find an event SPECIFICALLY for 'Sales Leaders' and sadly there won't be one!
What you might find is some poor old sales team who have been dragged to another generic 'Sales 101 refresher' course run by someone who has read a training manual once upon a time. And, let's be honest, none of the team wants to be there, they've all heard the same old techniques of yesteryear before, and their only goal is to stay awake and potentially walk away with 'One New Nugget of Information'. (Can you tell I've sat through a few?)
So, here's the Brutal and Honest Reality!
Who is training, coaching and mentoring your 'Sales Leaders' because, not only are they responsible for the most critical department of the business, the prosperity of an entire company but also the job security of everyone who works within it?
FACT: No Sales = No Business
Who have they got and trust to teach them the very latest Sales & Consumer Psychology, Laws of Influence & Persuasion, Social Media Selling Strategies, Non-Verbal & Body Language Research?
The thing is, and this is a crying shame. We know more about HOW and WHY people buy than at any other time in history, but yet, without having access to new and World-Class material, Sales Teams and their Leaders are still reliant on the same tired, washed up, salesy techniques developed and used for the past 40 years!
KEY POINT: Name another department within any business that could function effectively, still using the methodologies and thinking from over 4 decades ago? None of them, so why should Sales?!)
Sales Leaders face a totally different landscape now than just 10 years ago. No longer can they keep rolling out the same old Sales Cliches that have been handed down through the generations as if they were written in Tutankhamun's tomb or from the teachings of a religious text!
Having been in this exact situation myself, it is, and always has been, my relentless goal and mission to Coach, Develop and Mentor those who are in a position of heading up a Sales or Lead Generation team. For them to go on and attain the status of a Legendary Sales Leader and by doing so, giving them the respect, the accolades and warranted admiration of others that they so rightly deserve.
I am so committed to this I have put together a Free Download containing
'7 Easily & Instantly Implementable Legendary Sales Leadership Strategies'
that I know will DRAMATICALLY INCREASE the performance of your Sales & Lead-Generation teams INSTANTLY.
Each one of the strategies has come directly from my 'Legendary Sales Leadership' Mentoring Programme and are the coming together of my unrivalled research, best-selling book, critically acclaimed audio & video training programmes and the monumental successes of previous clients.
To give you an idea, here's an overview of the 7 World Class Strategies contained within the Free Download:
1?? A Successful Call Has Nothing to do With What Your Team Are Saying! (Key to Lead Generation Success)
2?? The RIGHT Approach (Where Your Team Sit in a Sales Appointment Will Have an Enormous Effect on its Outcome - The Psychology of Seating)
3?? A True Measure Of Elite Performance (The Measuring of Conversion Rates or Gross Profit Do Not Indicate Your True Sales Superstars!)
4?? How To DOUBLE The Number Of Qualified Prospects (The Way You Currently Qualify Prospects is The Cause of Them Not Qualifying!)
5?? How To Get a Prospects True Contract Renewal Date or Age of Current Equipment (Ever Noticed How a Prospect Has Only Just Renewed a Contract, Piece of Equipment or Software Package? It's Because of What Your Asking Them Which is The Problem)
6?? Why Asking For Referrals Doesn't Work And NEVER really has (How Traditional Sales Thinking/Training Has Got it Wrong)
7?? One Thing Missing From Your Team to Take Them From 'Average' to Becoming 'Elite' Performers
I have also included a World-Class Bonus Persuasion & Influence Strategy - How to Read the Minds of Prospects & Others! (What if Your Team Knew Exactly What Their Prospects & Clients Were Thinking at Any Given Moment?)
Now click on the link below and go get your FREE download and become the LEGENDARY SALES LEADER you deserve to be!
"7 Legendary Sales Leadership Strategies" - Free Download by Gary May
Chief Executive Officer/Owner at Metro Tint Texas
4 年Lack of true leadership everywhere.
Senior finance professional. Wealth creation & preservation, bespoke, confidential, client first advice. NEBA Private Clients a TEAM plc company. ???????? ???? ???? ????
4 年A great photo that brings back fond memories of my time in Jakarta 5 years ago. An amazing young and vibrant team that I was lucky to be part of back then, that have all gone on to various new and no doubt successful career paths.
Start Communications - Telephone, Broadband, Wi-Fi, Mobile, Security!
4 年In both my footballing and business careers, I came across both types of leaders. Football is very much about being positive and getting the very best out of an individual and as a team. It's paramount if you want to succeed. I learnt a huge amount of this and gained experience tremendously during my playing days, which is why, when I stepped in to the real world of actually working for a living, I have been successful to date. My positive mindset is probably my greatest attribute followed by the way I prepare and conduct myself before and during meetings to get the best result possible by working with my prospects and clients to build the best solution together and create the greatest outcome to best suit their requirements. Over the last few years, I have experienced exactly what you have posted. It felt like I was being pulled back and I couldn't be myself in the workplace anymore and most importantly of all, I was NO longer enjoying my job! At this point, I made a bold decision to leave and seek work that I enjoyed. I can honestly say that 7 months on, I am back to myself again and enjoying meeting and working together with my new clients to meet their Telecoms & CCTV requirements for Artemis Telecoms.