Sacrifice and Victory
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
Victory stands on the back of sacrifice.
Now if sacrifice is not a popular concept for you, then join the masses.
But those on the path of mastery realize that the whole of development, advancement and growth is built upon this one thing.
This is true whether growing a business, a body, or your spirit.
The ENTIRETY of advancement is the sacrificing of a lesser thing for a greater thing.
What most of us neglect to remember is that the original definition of sacrifice is "to make sacred."
To put something you value on the altar of Life and pay homage to your new Life.
You must sacrifice golf and games and weekends and vacations and time and energy and sleep and comfort food and maybe most importantly, faulty, limited, and worn out machine-mind thinking to step into your full capability and potential.
There's ALWAYS a price for the prize; and the greater the prize the greater the price.
Will you pay it?
Answering either "yes" or "no" matters not.
For either way you will pay.
Pay the price for greatness and your God-given potential, or pay the price of selling-out and regret.
Which will it be?
For you must choose; and even if you think you won't choose, that too is a choice now isn't it.
And every choice has consequence.
What has to happen for you to let go right now? To place on the altar of the path of greatness all those things which seduced into mediocrity?
Physical life is not getting any longer my friend.
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