Sacrifice is Essential ...
Matthew Donnell
Founder of Educ'ish | Co-founder @ Workeneur & SwapVend | Platform Builder and Speaker
The Introduction:
Nothing easy ever lasts! A pretty sour thought when you consider how difficult life can be. But the truth is, the value we place on something is tied in to the effort and expense it takes to acquire it...
Watching the local episodes of "I Blew It" takes you through a trainwreck of emotions, from laughter and judgment, to a deep level of sympathy for what could be any one of us! Getting something through luck or chance, can only ever end up in one direction - Short lived!
So it begs the question, if someone had worked extremely hard to get the same value in reward, would it be wasted the same way?
The mains:
So where does the sacrifice part come in? Well that is simply down to the cost of exchange...
When you put your blood, sweat, and tears into a project - The value soars beyond what anyone else can see! When you hit that brick wall and thought about quitting, you pushed and sacrificed your time and energy to see it through. This moment of conviction placed your value on the outcome to a point of no return, and to see it come out successful is a thing of beauty!!!!
When all is settled and recovered, this is where we spot the greatest sense of value... How well we keep and attend to our possession thereafter shows the value of what we put in. We will make it last a lifetime, irrespective of what others judge it to be worth.
That breaking point we hit, right in the middle of momentum, when all seems to be going well - That is the point where we decide if the outcome is worth turning off our bodily indicators, ignoring common sense, and arrogantly pushing ourselves to the edge of destruction... Only at that point, are we capable of greatness!
The Lesson:
If you want to find greatness, and if you want that greatness to last - Then the only answer is Sacrifice! This level of persistence and anguish forges a deep sense of respect and belonging to our project, that bonds us to a lifetime of care...
In this purgatory of self-sacrifice, you will learn lessons no book can teach you. You will discover talents you never thought were needed, and you will uncover a sense of pride in yourself along the way!
Go find something that is worth your sacrifice, worth your time, and worth your pain. Only then will you be tied to something greater than yourself.
The parting quote:
Sacrifice is an asset in your ledger of life, put it to use or it will be squandered on the dreams of others.
The end - for now...