The Sacred Ritual of Eating
Lisa Sara McKnight
Dharma Mentor | Muse | Visionary | Philosopher | Helping Gen X women rock menopause
10. Be mindful of the amount of liquid taken with meals
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight you’ve probably heard that drinking a big glass of water before a meal helps fill you up so you eat less, This is also something parents are usually mindful of, letting kiddos fill up on fruit juice or water before eating gives them that false sense of being full and they just won’t eat, but to be sure they will be hungry right after you clean up the kitchen!!! Drinking too much before or with a meal can put out your digestive fire and it is true, you just won’t feel as hungry… that might sound like a good idea, but it’s just a hack, and not in a good way! We want to keep our digestive fire strong so that everything we eat is burned efficiently for fuel in our bodies. Our bodies know what to do with food! We are perfectly designed to digest! When we feel hungry that means our fire is high and ripe to digest a meal, then we dump a big glass of water on it and then we eat! Now the body struggles to digest and the food sits there creating discomfort and toxins! If you are eating a meal that is on the dry side, try ? cup of water with the meal. With soups no additional water is needed. If you must hydrate with a big glass of water before a meal, wait 30 minutes to eat or until you feel your internal fire stoking again. Wait 30 minutes after a meal to have more water, so your body has the chance to get going on digestion.
#Ayurveda #JyotishAstrology #KundaliniYoga #LivingRituals #LivingWisdom