The Sacred Ritual of Eating
Lisa Sara McKnight
Dharma Mentor | Muse | Visionary | Philosopher | Helping Gen X women rock menopause
2: Eat food prepared with love
When you prepare food with love, the love is transferred into the food. Food that is prepared with love is going to digest and absorb with ease. If you are lucky enough to have a loved one cook for you, you have definitely felt this! They make your favorite things taste so yummy and your belly so happy! It makes sense that the opposite is true, when a food prep environment is toxic, the toxins are transferred to the food. You could be using the finest healthiest ingredients and still cause a toxic effect if you are upset while prepping. It kinda makes you look at eating out a little differently! It is helpful to pray or meditate before cooking to get your mindset. Listening to uplifting, peaceful music or sounds helps keep you in the flow. This is basically foreplay for your digestive system. To make food prep a sensual ritual create a kitchen alter, this will bring a sense of reverence, you could include herbal plants that you feel connected to and want to add to your diet, along with a few other tokens from nature, beautiful plates or utensils that you love will create a sacred space of connection when you enter your kitchen… let the alchemy begin!
#Ayurveda #JyotishAstrology #KundaliniYoga #LivingRituals #LivingWisdom