The Sacred Feminine - it's intrinsic to Holistic Systems Practice
Everything owes its existence to a functional context that embraces past and future in the 'now'. And we will find our redemption in a re-identification with that living ecology that is itself a manifestation of a deeper cosmic spiritual outworking.
In many parts of the Christian world 15th August is celebrated as a significant religious festival - in Spain: 'Asuncion de la Virgen'. According to the narrative it commemorates Mary being taken up into heaven. This acknowledgement of the sacred feminine was described by Carl Jung as a significant symbolic movement of the Catholic Church towards the acceptance of the feminine. With Pope Pius having defined in 1950 that Mary was taken up into heaven, Jung considered this to be the most important religious event since the Reformation. In so doing, in the evolution of the Christian narrative the Catholic Church might have taken a step ahead of Protestantism where the deity tends to remain masculine.
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
From the holistic perspective the feminine principle, now belatedly recognised beyond its reproductive role, is seen as being critical to creative function and as cardinal to generative and ethical practice. Whilst the masculine principle is penetration and expansion (how do we get to Mars?), the feminine principle is containment and enfoldment (who will feed the children?). Together these forces account for the formation and evolution of the complexifying 'wholes' that account for the world we experience today. Importantly, informed by Jung's view of 'animus' and 'anima', we carefully differentiate between a simplistic view of men and women and the masculine and feminine principle and function.
In this explanatory posting we elucidate on these cardinal principles, from both a scientific and philosophical perspective:
Socio-political and economic consequences
Many are now recognising that the denial and suppression of the divine feminine principle in a male dominated era has had far-reaching devastating socio-political and economic consequences. This denial has served to promote the rampant materialism that has brought the world to its current existential malaise - since we don't yet fully comprehend the nature of our own contribution to our grave challenges, we use the word 'malaise' purposefully.
Free on-line workshop
At 19h00 CET, coming Thursday 15 August, we will offer a further follow-up (free) on-line introductory workshop into Holistic Systems Practice. The Holos.Earth Project will show how the intensive HSP training program will strive to balance masculine and feminine principles in practical facilitation. We consider this insight to be intrinsic to both the sustainability and ethics of transformative facilitative leadership going forward into this era of severe disruption.
Hope - a metaphysical perspective
From a spiritual, or metaphysical perspective, there are further deep lessons to be gleaned for humankind from the narrative of Mary's assumption at this time. Such a spiritual or metaphysical perspective becomes increasingly important to counter the wave of pessimism and released pent-up frustration at our human and planetary condition. Pondering Mother Mary's 'Magnificat' in accounting her revelation to her cousin Elizabeth, we can discern certain profound and inspiring metaphysical principles.
We read the account of what Mary says in the Gospel of Luke and, in brackets, explore a potential translation the metaphysical implications:
My soul doth magnify the Lord - ( ... her unfolding unique potential serves to make visible the future sacred potential of humankind).
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour - ( ... the vision and presence of that potential enlivens her and will ultimately serve to redeem all humanity.)
Because He hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed - ( ... by bowing in humble service to becoming an instrument for that revelation, she will be recognised in awe by succeeding generations).
Because He that is mighty hath magnified me - ( ... in service to the creative process on its pilgrimage to divine self-realisation she is lifted up to the co-creative status - 'Mother of God'). ?
Listen here:
Too esoteric
Whilst the complementarity of Yin/Yang is well-defined in Eastern traditions, it is also of some significance that Mary, Maryam, is the only woman mentioned in the Quran. Now, might this all sound overly religious and esoteric? Let's briefly delve deeper.
When the father of 'holism', Jan Christian Smuts, declared that '... the Universe was individuating even as the individual was universalising...' he was also 'universalising' Mary's 'Magnificat' as a potential and calling for all humanity. Here is his vision of Sacred Personality:
Then that message too can be discerned is the essential invocation and commitment of 'Thy Kingdom Come, They will be done' in the Lord's Prayer:
Balancing the masculine/feminine
Understanding and learning to work with the counterbalancing and hence complementary creative forces of the 'expansionary' masculine and 'enfolding' feminine, is key to holistic systems practice. For that to happen our predominant global focus on performance, ego-driven achievement and material gain will need to undergo a metanoia - a fundamental change of heart as a transformation of values and practice. And in practical application that transformation essentially calls for a placed-based re-identification, at a visceral level, with the living context, both human and natural, in which we each exist. It is in that earthly immediacy that we can offer our humble service with whatever capacities we've been given.
From this perspective the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin, of Mary being taken up into Heaven, can be metaphorically re-interpreted as our belated individual and collective recognition that everything functions in a context. Everything owes its existence to a context that embraces past and future in the 'now'. We find our redemption in a re-identification with our living ecology, one that is itself a manifestation of a deeper cosmic spiritual outworking.
Join us Thursday 15 August @ 19h00 CET:
Zoom: ID: 860 4974 2803Passcode: 146268
Co-convenor - Holos-Earth Project
2 个月This observation by Bob Marley is a bit stark - but well worth contemplating at this time and in this spiritual context
Enriching engagement with Social Impact and improving predictions of social constraints. Managing today’s complex challenges and opportunities | Talks about Social Change, Social Responsibility, Process Studies, Holism.
2 个月"Matter is also alive with divinity, and so is the child playing, the child reading with a grandparent, or a monk at prayer. Inner fire energizes all things with a passion for the future" BRUCE EPPERLY
Eco Retrofit pioneer and local food systems practitioner. Nexus Nottingham start-up. ADHD She/her
2 个月The enfolding nature of the divine feminine resonates with me. I work in local food systems and the overwhelming majority of activists are women. From growing, teaching to grow using climate supportive practices to cooking and distribution to creating networks it has been women. I’m glad to witness that in my area more young people are getting involved including men in the setting up of food spaces in low income areas. The nurturing aspect of the feminine divine is done quietly. Women are more focussed on the doing than the loud speaking of what they do and to do so collectively. When a job needs doing women roll up their sleeves and work as a team I have noted many times that this team work without requiring a leader is naturally cooperative. When men become involved the tempo changes to a more authoritative less naturally cooperative stance with male energy more about the drive forward than deepening and widening the network. This can be felt as a difference between expanding lateral growth which fills in the gaps and unilateral drive which is about a more single minded approach to the goals overall. Both have their place in a state of balance.
??Catalyst for Conscious Women's Transformation: Breaking Self-Concept Barriers and Unleashing Boundless Potential | ?? Conversational Intelligence?? Facilitator | ?? Boundary Breakers Collective Podcast Host | Author
2 个月This article on the Sacred Feminine is a must-read. It explores how embracing feminine principles like containment, nurturing and holistic thinking is crucial for addressing our world's challenges. As a transformation guide for smart, conscious, high-achieving women, I'm struck by how this aligns with the work I do with women leaders. The article's insights on balancing masculine and feminine energies resonate deeply with my work helping women find fulfillment and build momentum in all areas of life. It's about integrating our drive and ambition with our capacity for connection and care. Thank you so much for sharing your insights Claudius van Wyk!
Founder - Managing Partner- ReGen Law - Legal, Investing, Business Strategic, Commercial
2 个月Reminds me of a wonderful images in Henri Moore gardens- all about a woman, mother and nature