Sacha Connor: Learn, Skills, Mindset, Behaviors | Work 20XX
Sacha Connor: Learn, Skills, Mindset, Behaviors | Work 20XX

Sacha Connor: Learn, Skills, Mindset, Behaviors | Work 20XX

Do that over and over across time, you're going to start to build that trust so that we get to that psychological safety ... able to speak up about something that may be an unpopular discussion point. - Sacha Connor


Sacha was a one woman guinea pig when she stepped into the remote work, 3,000 miles and 3 times zones from HQ of the CPG company and job she loved. She'd find a way. And she did, for 8 more years, overcoming the hurdles, delivering the goods, all so her first born could grow up close to extended family.

Today, she's sharing those lessons and insights from her own company, Virtual Work Insider. Of course we went the full hour, I could have gone another 2.

Enjoy this collection of curated clips.

Taking a risk, Prioritizing family

You'll never get promoted, you'll never get to work in certain roles, your HR tag changed from a high potential to a low potential employee - Initial conditions set by Sacha's employer when she asked to go remote to move closer to family (across the country).

Such a great story. Why wouldn't you want to retain someone, even if life's chapters took them to a different part of the country? Make sense. And it can work. Not for all, but certainly for many.

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Ideate faster

(We were) able to ideate and get to next steps faster by starting with the digital approach. When you’ve learned that ideation is all synchronous in a room together, doing something different takes a behavior change - Sacha Connor

Add digital and async to your ideation process. You'll get more, better ideas, faster. And not just in software, but cleaning pads, disinfectant, and water filters. Sacha had innovation in her title at The Clorox Company, even though she was thousands of miles, and multiple time zones away. Async processes increase the value of your synchronous time together.

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Skills, Mindset, and Behaviors

It's the ecosystem that all has to learn the new skills and behaviors to work together. It's not just the "remote" people who need to learn how to work differently together. - Sacha Connor

Six floors, six states, or six time zones, teams are distributed. - Kate Lister

Remote companies are good at things all companies should be good at - Darren Murph

It's about organizational communication, coordination, and effectiveness. Reducing the dependence of 'shoulder tap' as an effective communication strategy in 2025. Better documentation, clearer objectives, more heads down work time, and better communication across the organization, especially within distributed teams. The Academic world has had distributed research efforts forever. And business teams have been more distributed, for longer than most realize.

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When I heard about it, I was like, oh my goodness, this is what I've been feeling all of these years. It's not that people are intentionally leaving me out, it's that our brain's natural process is to put more value on the people and things that are closer to us. - Sacha Connor

Proximity bias and Recency bias or Distance Bias in the SEEDS Unconscious bias model. It takes conscious, intentional behavior change to NOT choose the easy, the known, the familiar. Also referred to as 'birds of a feather'

NeuroLeadership Institute, SEEDS Unconscious Bias Model


S - Similarity Bias

E - Expedience Bias

E - Experience Bias

D - Distance Bias

S - Safety Bias

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Awareness and Action to Overcome

Next time you are thinking about assigning a project or need to go to somebody for a question, think about your entire ecosystem and figure out who the right person to go to is, not just the most recent person you've heard from or the person sitting closest to you if you happen to be in the office. - Sacha Connor

Recency Bias, Distance Bias

Of course, we instinctively go for the path of least resistance.

Pro Tip to help us expand our vision and optionality?

Yes - Put pictures up.

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Not easy, but there is a path

There's an incredible amount of complexity that comes with everybody having the freedom to work where and when they want. That complexity requires coordination. - Sacha Connor

Team Effective Leads, it's a role, someone owns it. Then bring them together for Teams of Teams leverage. Force multiplier. One size does not fit all.

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Meetings are a symptom

The meeting situation is just a symptom of a broader problem ... You can't just fix the meetings. You actually have to go back to what are our communication norms? - Sacha Connor

Bad meetings are a symptom of bigger problems. Little or no async process in place.?Little or no confidence in systems to inform of what happened at the meeting for those that don't attend. Poor meeting etiquettes around status updates and 'informs.' Communication protocols and team level agreements. Meetings will be a line item of detail, not the primary communication method.

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Build Trust

Create an About Me one pager. Information about your family, loved ones, hobbies,?communication preferences, hot buttons, values, educational background, professional background. Actively use it.?- Sacha Connor

It might feel like a long path to build team chemistry to the point where people aren't afraid to flag issues and points of concern or the unpopular view. But, in this hypercompetitive world, you need the full potential of everyone on the team, to look around corners and sense disturbances in the force. And then voice said concerns (observations, opportunities, challenges, etc.) before it's too late to do anything about it. Something as simple as a One Pager, interests, photos, used with intention, over time, to build and strengthen the foundation of trust.

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Omni Modal

We are going to be continuously working across distance—nationally, internationally, globally. We need to get more and more comfortable with working across multiple modes. - Sacha Connor

The world of work is getting more distributed, not less. more complicated, not less, more multi-modal, not less. Invest in the skills, behaviors, and practices development to help everyone be more successful in an increasingly multi-modal world.

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Trends accelerated

Those skills, mindsets, and behaviors to enable this kind of complexity are going to be really important. Thinking about how you can best enable yourselves and your teams to work within that kind of work environment is key.?- Sacha Connor

Skills, mindsets, and behaviors, like all great things, come in threes. These can be learned, practiced, measured, and improved. Experts like Sacha and team Virtual Work Insider can help show the way. Despite headlines to the contrary, top talent has options, and the market has valued flexibility in the 10% to 20% of salary range. Genie's out of the bottle.

Thanks again Sacha.

We all benefit from your bold move many moons ago, as you took the risk, developed and codified the tools. On top of the tools, the people side. Documenting the skills, mindset and behaviors, all of which can be developed, to improve teams, performance, cohesion, and innovation.

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Sacha Connor : Learn, Skills, Mindset, Behaviors | Work 20XX podcast with Jeff Frick

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#AboutMe #Agency #Asynchronous #AsynchronousWork #Awareness #Behaviors #Bias #Brainstorming #Career #Clorox #Collaboration #CollaborationTips #Communication #CommunicationNorms #Complexity #ConfirmationBias #Connection #CorporateStrategy #CRE #CrossFunctionalTeams #Culture #CXO #Development #Digital #DigitalApproach #DigitalTools #DigitalTransformation #DistanceBias #Distributed #DistributedTeams #DiversityAndInclusion #Effective #EmployeeEngagement #EmployeePotential #Engagement #EnterpriseChallenges #Expectations #Experimentation #Flexible #Flexibility #FoW #Framework #FutureForum #FutureOfWork #HR #Hybrid #HybridTeams #HybridWork #HumanBehavior #Ideation #InclusiveLeadership #Innovation #Intentional #Interview #Leadership #LeadershipSkills #Learn #Manage #Meetings #Mindset #MitigatingUnconsciousBiases #NeuroLeadership #Networking #Norm #Office #OmniModal #OmniModalLeadership #Podcast #Productivity #ProfessionalDevelopment #Promotion #ProximityBias #PsychologicalSafety #RecencyBias #Remote #RemoteTeam #RemoteWork #SEEDSModel #Skills #Synchronous #SynchronousWork #Talent #Teach #Team #TeamAgreements #TeamBuilding #TeamCohorts #TeamCulture #TeamDevelopment #TeamDynamics #TeamEffectiveness #TeamEfficiency #TeamHealth #TeamLevelAgreements #TechnologyTools #Trust #TrustBuilding #UnconsciousBias #Virtual #VirtualTeams #VirtualTraining #VirtualWork #VirtualWorkInsider #Whiteboard #Work #Work20XX #Workplace #WorkplaceBias #WorkplaceCulture #WorkplaceEquity #WorkplaceFlexibility #WorkplaceInnovation

Jeff Frick

Engagement in an AI Driven, Asynchronous World | Builder | Top Voice | Video Virtuoso | Content Curator | Host, Turn the Lens podcast and Work 20XX podcast

13 小时前

? Astronaut ? Chatter ? Profitability ? Fingertips ? Moving ?? This post made this week's Friday Five? #Astronaut #Chatter #Profitability #Fingertips #Moving #FridayFive #Newsletter #TurnTheLens #Work20XX


Building trust through consistency fosters psychological safety, enabling teams to engage in open, meaningful discussions. Sacha’s journey is a testament to the power of adaptability and leadership in a remote world. Thanks for sharing this perspective idea, Jeff.


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