Sabse Sasta Insurance
Term Insurance Plan

Sabse Sasta Insurance

A comprehensive family security options planner - Term Insurance plan which offers guaranteed life cover at highly competitive rates and numerous options to suit your family’s financial needs.

Features: -

This is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating Term Life Insurance Plan.

Option to pay the premiums in Regular, Limited or Single mode.

Two Benefits Options :- A)Level Sum Assured B)Increasing Sum

Option to take the Death Benefit in installments of 5, 10 and 15 years.

Coverage upto 80 years of age

Option to opt the Accidental Benefit Rider.

Income tax savings on Premiums Paid.

Lower premium rates for the Non-Smoker category also the special premium rates for women.

Rebate on Higher Sum Assured.

Minimum Age 18 Maximum Age 65

Minimum Term 10 Maximum Term 40

Minimum Sum Assured 25,00,000/- and Maximum Sum Assured "No Limit"



