SaaS, the Martech application for support services that no one is talking about!
Nearly every marketer on the planet is familiar with the terms SaaS and Martech.
As I understand it, SaaS, or software as a service, and Martech, marketing technology, are terms used to define technology solutions that make a marketer’s life easier or more manageable, correct? The selling points usually include lengthy, in-depth analysis and discussions about greater data availability for better decision making, long-term cost savings, shorter time to project completion, greater efficiency, and overall improved processes and control, to name a few. Implementation of such tools may result in the redeployment of personnel, eliminating vendors, rewriting job descriptions, and a host of other benefits too lengthy to delve into here.
Great tools, right?
What about a Martech/SaaS solution that lets you automate and simplify how you buy and manage marketing support needs? Things like:
- Marketing Collateral
- Branded Merchandise
- Decorated Apparel
- Trade Show Support
- Direct Mail
- Custom Packaging
Many providers focus on one or two of these categories, not all – while others do not provide an online solution. Several firms do offer a full suite of services with an online solution of some sort. Many charge a monthly fee, and a rare few do not. The problem is how to identify them and perhaps, more importantly, determine if you actually need them? The answers vary. The antiquated term “One Stop Shop” or a somewhat newer term “Marketing Solutions Provider” may get you headed in the right direction – but it won’t necessarily get you across the finish line.
Any firm in this space that touts an “online store or e-commerce platform” will get you much closer; however, it still may not land you with a firm that can provide you with a comprehensive solution. You will want to search for a firm operating as a reseller or distributor with a good dose of experience on staff. The experience will typically net you a good depth of suppliers in their quarry along with the knowledge you need to implement and manage this effectively.
Any firm that can deliver all of the various marketing support services via an online store qualifies as a Martech or SaaS provider of some caliber. However, the scope and caliber will vary, and that’s where your job becomes more difficult.
Back to my earlier question: Do you really need a Marketing Execution firm with a SaaS platform?
That depends.
Is there ever a bit of confusion as to who’s buying or supplying what?
Is lack of time to concentrate on core tasks an issue?
Are you currently working with four or more vendors?
Are your costs rising faster than the rate of inflation?
Are you being tasked to do more with less?
Do you need increased operational efficiency due to growth or expansion?
Typically, concerns like these begin to surface when a company reaches a tipping point, usually at about 250 employees and several locations, especially if they’ve been experiencing rapid growth. Or, if you see yourself in the first graphic below, that may also be an indicator you could benefit from working with a Marketing Execution firm with SaaS capabilities.
The savvy buyer wants a more comprehensive solution with less friction – which is what the best firms in this space provide, as displayed in the second graphic illustration below.
Author: Bill Strobridge, Owner at High Impact Soluons
For questions or feedback, please email me directly at [email protected]. | (248) 473-9804