Mike Briercliffe
Digital Leader, Social Business Practitioner, Speaker, Blogger, Connector, specialising in Information Tech & Snowsports sectors, occasionally both.
Festive Greetings to All !
What a crazy year this has been eh? Just one year ago not many had even heard of COVID-19 and yet within a few months at the start of 2020 our reactions to it had, in large part, turned the world upside down.
The SaaS Group continues to grow and of course, the intelligent use of social networks has kept our business and personal connections alive, even though physical meetings are at an epic low. My own business life has been re-shaped. With customers of long-standing adapting their marketing strategies, mine/ours have needed to change too. How about you?
One of the things that I've been interested in for a long time - and so far only occasionally used - is interactive webinars. Next month there are three events - SUPPORTED BY US - that reflect the times we are living through:
On January 14th - "Conquering Imposter Syndrome" led by Kim Adele – she has a great career track record including the position of Head of SMB Sales at SAGE UK -
On January 21st - "Effective Communication with Remote Teams - Post Covid-19" - led by VocalPoint Consulting and Vonage -
On January 28th - "Effective Communication in The New Era of Online Business Relationships" - led by Rasha Goel, Emmy Nominated Host/Producer based in Hollywood -
Times for each of these are scheduled to catch viewers at beginning of the day West Coast USA, Noon East Coast, and late afternoon in Europe.
In the first one - Kim focuses on how to crack the feelings of inadequacy that many if not most business execs suffer from at some point in their career. It's of special interest in these highly stressed times.
The second one - with specialists from both VocalPoint and Vonage - looks at the cloud comms technology that we are using (though some of us - not yet!) to power the business process adaptation that COVID-19 has forced upon us.
In the final one for January, Rasha (ably assisted by Nat Schooler - one of our group managers - digs into the "online performance standards" that need to be adopted to become totally effective in the new era, with visual and audible quality in comms now being critical Key Performance Criteria.
There's bound to be some interest in at least one of those from many people in this group, so take a look and book your slots now.
Once again - Festive Greetings to all - here's to a prosperous 2021 ... !
Mike B
P.S. – if you’re in the Software Development business and haven’t see IBM’s Tech Innovation Challenge – take a look at it here: