SaaS boilerplates speed up software development by providing developers with ready-made templates containing reusable code and pre-configured infrastructure based on industry best practices for cloud applications
- Faster time to market - Boilerplates speed up development by providing pre-built, reusable components and infrastructure.
- Best practices - They incorporate proven frameworks, architectures, and security measures out of the box.
- Cost savings - Significant development costs are avoided by leveraging boilerplates instead of building from scratch.
SaaS boilerplates are a rising trend amongst Solopreneurs and indie hackers. They sell the code that they used themselves
- ?Marc Louvion makes $42k MRR with Shipfast NextJS SaaS boilerplate
- Kyle Gawley built usegravity generates 25k MRR Node.js & React SaaS boilerplate
- Cory Zue built Saaspegasus generates >100k ARR SaaS boilerplate for Django. Cory basically sells his own codebase
- Jonathan Wilke built with $4.5k MRR SaaS boilerplate for Supabase and NextJS
- Saasrock by Alexandro Martinez generates $3.4k MRR Remix-based SaaS boilerplate developed to enhance the web development process.
- Makerkit launched by Giancarlo Buomprisco in 2022 generates $3.5k MRR SaaS boilerplate for Next.js and Remix
Serverless SaaS architectures boilerplates will become more common as they allow for scalable, cost-effective, fast, and flexible development.??
- Volca CI/CD, infrastructure as code, central logging, and secure authentication?
- is very useful and profitable and was acquired
- Netlify development platform for serverless backend services?
- Providers like AWS Amplify can simplify backend development
SaaS Boilerplates will include important AI features like Langchain integration, OpenAI integration, Database integration etc.?
- Vercel offers great AI templates for Langchain, OpenAI, runway, anthropic, viable?
- BoilerCode ?provides "NextJs SaaS + AI" and "ChatGPT Chrome Extension - React" saving 100s of hours
- Railway app All of the important LLM related templates
- Apptension Seamless integration with Open AI
- Usemage AI? Uses LLM's to generate code to create any complex web app
AI code completion in IDEs will auto-generate boilerplate code and suggest relevant libraries to import.
Boilerplates and templates will help launch marketing sites and funnels to acquire users.
- Landingfolio Best templates and components for landing page conversions?
- Instapage: Templates for A/B testing landing pages, with a focus on optimizing for conversions
- GatsbyJS SaaS Website Starter uses static site generation.
- JAMStack SaaS Boilerplate builds marketing sites. There is also a book
Pre-built admin dashboards allow easy management and analytics of apps and users
- Bootstrap themes have many dashboards to start off with
- Vercel offers Admin dashboards on a variety of technology platforms
Boilerplates optimize for particular verticals like finance, crypto, healthcare.
- Netlify designed for E-commerce applications.?
- Moralis focuses on providing web3 crypto boilerplates
Hosted boilerplates provide instant deployment with minimal setup
- Cleavr deployment tool that integrates with cloud services like DigitalOcean and AWS, providing ready-to-use environments for NodeJS, PHP, WordPress, AdonisJs, Laravel, and static sites
- Netlify Deployment directly from Git repositoriecel
- Vercel Ideal for Serverless Functions. It offers instant deployment and automatic scaling in cloud
Open-source SaaS boilerplates will continue to gain popularity for their customization and community help
SAAS Boilerplates will integrate analytics services like Mixpanel and Amplitude to understand user behavior from the start
- Divjoy allows integration with Amplitude, Mixpanel, Simple Analytics, Google Analytics etc from a dropdown
- Jet Admin Ready-to-use admin panel and dashboard template that includes integration with various analytics tools
- Bullet Train: A feature management platform and SaaS boilerplate that allows analytics integration with Mixpanel and Amplitude
Enterprises will build Internal Tools with SaaS boilerplates saving time, cost, and money
- Retool allows the building of internal apps extremely fast. They received a total funding of $141M and have options for a variety of use cases
- Budibase Low-code platform used for building internal tools with many templates
Boilerplates will offer scalable integrations and not just standalone features
- Apptension USP: Boilerplate with AWS-based scalable infrasture+CI/CD
- Netlify has an expanse of templates and pre-made integrations to choose from. They also have a myriad of frameworks to choose from
Several X/ Twitter personalities have shared valuable insights about SAAS Boilerplates.
People buy boilerplates to get cheap support
Build Boilerplates targeted towards incorporation of microservice templates and Kubernetes config that will assist in decomposing monoliths
Build WebAssembly-related boilerplates. Its usage will rise for performance-critical code like 3D graphics, AI, games & computer vision
- Web assembly is relatively new and developers need to build all the boilerplate code themselves
Build templates optimized for healthcare, finance, real estate, and other verticals that will jumpstart industry-specific projects.
- Placester: Provides website templates specifically designed for real estate
- Saleor: It's a GraphQL-first open-source e-commerce platform that can be used as a boilerplate for creating an e-commerce SaaS product. Saleor Pro has a business built on top of the Open-source
Offer Boilerplate backends as useful APIs?
- Keystone generates a GraphQL API and management UI based on your schema
Offer an interactive demo to convey value to prospective customers
Add UI components to help customers fit the boilerplate to their needs.?
- Rocket has pre-made cards, tables, forms and more.
- Makerkit has UI blocks for forms, buttons, modals and more.
- Solid has customizable UI components styled with Tailwind CSS.
- SaaS Forge is building UI components for tabs, tables, modals and more
Educate your users to help them build better SaaS apps.
Backend Technologies:
- PHP - Server-side scripting language for web development - Slim is a PHP micro-framework with 1.5k Github stars - Laravel boilerplate with authentication, Bootstrap, and starter templates - CodeIgniter Lean PHP framework boilerplate with user management and PayPal
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime for building scalable network applications - SaasStarter Kit Build Node.JS and React apps fast - Flexible boilerplate for SaaS products based on Node.js and React.
- Python - General purpose programming language used for web and apps - Django boilerplate with user management, payments, and Bootstrap.
- Ruby - Object-oriented scripting language optimized for programmer happiness - RailsApps Ruby on Rails boilerplate with popular gems and MVC structure - Ruby-kickstart Project skeleton for Ruby web apps with Sinatra, RSpec etc.
- Java - Statically typed language for building cross-platform applications - Javalite Lightweight MVC framework for Java web apps - JHipster ?Java/Spring Boot boilerplate generator with React/Angular.
- C# - Type safe object oriented language from Microsoft for .NET apps - Saasify Open source SaaS starter kit for Azure in .NET Core.
- Elixir - Functional language built on Erlang VM known for concurrency and fault tolerance - LiveSAASkit built on Phoenix Framework and written in Elixir - Mirego? They maintain many boilerplates including Elixir - Uniform Allowing more codebase reuse in Elixir app portfolios
Backend Frameworks:
- Laravel (PHP framework for building web apps using MVC architecture) - Laravel Boilerplate gives you permission authorization, 2FA, User/Role management, searchable/sortable tables, user impersonation, timezone support, multi-lingual support with 20+ languages, demo mode etc. - Spark is a billing management panel for your application
- Express - Fast and minimalist web framework for Node.js. Why Express? - Turbojet A lean server-side rendered web app. For Server-side rendered HTML delivered directly to the browser without complicated client-side JavaScript frameworks or bundling pipelines.
- Django - Batteries included Python framework for rapid web development - SaaSPegasus - DjaoDjin offers the best boilerplates
- Rails - MVC framework in Ruby for building database-backed web apps - Jumpstart with key features like Multi-tenancy, Invoice, Paddle, etc - Bullet Train is Open Sourced and free Authentication, Subscription, Invoice etc - CorseGo SaaS The founder Yaroslav also includes a paid tutorial course
- Spring - Java framework for enterprise application development - Bootify and Jhipster are the best solutions - Chris Anatalio has some training material for it
- ASP.NET Core - Microsoft's open-source framework for modern web apps - ASP Net Boilerplate has startup templates - ASP NET Zero includes most of the important features here but can be pricey
- Phoenix - Elixir framework for building highly scalable web APIs and apps - Petal Build? Really reduces the design workload to test out fresh projects - Phoenix Framework This Boilerplate has 20k stars on GitHub. Very popular
Frontend Technologies:
- React - JavaScript library for building reactive user interfaces - Apptension USP: Boilerplate with AWS-based scalable infrasture+CI/CD - Makerkit is a great full-stack Next.js SaaS template - Builderbook 4k Github stars + popular book to teach SaaS building with their code - Divjoy Very flexible boilerplate, where you can choose your app type, Framework, UI KIT, Authentication, and Database and get the code - SaaS Forge Expansive Python/React boilerplate - Reactapp One of the cheapest (19$+) Full-stack React focused boilerplate
- Vue - Progressive framework for building user interfaces with components - Flatlogic has many Vue templates to choose from
- Angular - TypeScript-based framework for building single-page applications - Material has Angular components with 24k Github stars - Flatlogic has angular templates as well - Top 10 Angular libraries to choose from - Top 10 Angular Material Admin Dashboard Templates
- Svelte - Compiler that converts components into highly optimized JavaScript - List of many important Svelte boilerplates
- Blazor - .NET framework for building interactive client-side web UI with C# - Blazor UI component library - BlazorHero is a Clean Architecture Solution Template for Blazor Webassembly 6.0
Frontend Frameworks:
- MySQL - Open source relational database management system - Retool Build MySQL GUI Frontend - CRUD operations Boilerplate
- PostgreSQL - Object-relational database with a strong reputation for reliability and data integrity - ASP Net Boilerplate? ?boilerplate to connect with PostgreSQL - RoadToReact has garnered 1.2k stars on this boilerplate
- MongoDB - Document-oriented NoSQL database known for scalability and flexibility - Zachary Warnes help set up CRUD for MongoDB in python
1. There is a chance that you will move slower with other people's code as it was never designed for your specific use case
2. Point solutions do one thing better. If a software product has a singular objective, it’s likely going to do that one thing better than an all-in-one product would
3. Framework-specific solutions have a smaller target market
4. Jakob Greenfeld has a great thread on Twitter about the challenges of Shopify for SaaS
5. Extra Baggage: You might end up with features you don't need, making your app code unnecessarily complicated
6. Magic: Since you didn't write the code, you may not understand it, which can be a problem when you need to change something or something breaks
Best Collections of SAAS Boilerplates
( Useful List curated by others)?
1. Boilerplatelist Best SaaS Boilerplates and Starter Kits 2023 listed according to technology
2. Saasitron Collection of great SaaS boilerplates
3. Kirandev Collections based on Technology
4. Smirnov Awesome Saas Boilerplates Crowd curated collection of Boilerplates
5. Github SaaS boilerplates 113 public SAAS boilerplate repositories
6. This forum thread is a goldmine where indie hackers discuss their Boilerplate preferences
7. Boilerplate Marketplace choose from framework, industry etc.
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Hitesh Kar great share!